Physiological Functions of Thyroid Hormone

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Physiological functions

of thyroid hormone

By - Vanshika
Prabhakar Roll no. -
It has following functions
● Increase transcription of many
● Increase cellular metabolic activity
● Effect on growth
● Effects on specific functions
Increases transcription of many genes
● Thyroid hormones activate nuclear receptors
On binding with thyroid hormone the receptors become
Activated and initiate transcription. Then large amount of
mRNA is formed followed by RNA translation to form new
Intracellular proteins
❖ Before acting on the genes one iodide is removed from almost all the
thyroxine because intracellular receptors have a higher affinity for T3.
Activation of target cells by thyroid
Thyroid hormone increases cellular
metabolic activity
❏ Increase the number and activity of mitochondria

By increasing number of mitochondria and hence increases ATP

production rate.

❏ Increase active transport of ions through cell membranes

Na - K ATPase increases activity of cell membrane in response

to thyroid hormone . This process increases the amount of
heat generated which might suggest the mechanism by which
thyroid hormone regulates BMR.

It also makes the cells to become leaky to sodium ions which

activates this pump further.
Effect on growth

● Increases expression of gene for growth

● Stimulate endochondrial ossification
● Maturation of epiphyseal bone centres
● Enhance activity of chondrocytes
● Eruption and development of teeth
● Promote epidermal growth and growth of hair
Effect on specific body function

❖ On CVS
● Increased blood flow and cardiac
● Increased heart rate
● Increased heart strength
❖ On Respiration
Increased respiration
Increased metabolism increases consumption O2 of
and CO2 production both of which increase rate
and depth of respiration.
❖ Excitatory effects on the central nervous
Thyroid hormone increases the rapidity of
❖ Effect on the function of the muscles
Lack of thyroid hormone makes the muscles
sluggish while excessive makes muscles weak due
to protein catabolism.
Hyperthyroidism causes fine muscle tremors
❖ Effect on sleep
Due to its exhausting on musculature and CNS in
hyperthyroidism there is constant tiredness and difficulty
in falling asleep
While in hypothyroidism extreme somnolence is seen
❖ Effect on other endocrine glands
It increases secretion rate of many hormones but also
increases the tissue demand for that particular hormone
❖ Increase GIT motility
Hyperthyroidism causes diarrhoea and hypothyroidism
causes constipation .
❖ Effect on sexual functions

In hypothyroidism libido of men and women is seen to

be decreased
In females menstruation related problems are seen
while in males it may cause impotence
● Stimulation of carbohydrate
Stimulates rapid glucose uptake by
cells Enhance glycolysis
Enhance gluconeogenesis
Increase rate of absorption from
GIT Increase insulin secretion
● Stimulation of fat metabolism
Lipid mobilised rapidly from fat tissue increasing
fat stores of body
Increases free fatty acid concentration in
plasma Accelerates oxidation of free fatty
● Effect on plasma and liver fat

Decrease the concentration of cholesterol,

phospholipids and triglycerides in plasma
It lower cholesterol levels in plasma by
increasing secretion in bile and excretion in
● Increased requirement for vitamins
As it increases quantities of many enzymes and
vitamins are essential parts of enzymes
Therefore hyperthyroidism may lead to
vitamin deficiency
2- Normal

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