Real Life Presentation Second Semester

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MAY, 2019
Group Members
2. OGUZU GEOFREY UBT195/2018/T/HD/A/222
4. ENZEDE MORRISH UBT195/2018/T/HD/A/224
Presentation out line
 Introduction to the project
 Problem statement
 Main objective
 Specific objectives
 Scope of the project
 Methodology
 Reflections, Recommendations and Conclusion
 Appendices
Introduction to the project.

Rainwater harvesting is a method by which rainwater that falls upon a

roof surface is collected and routed to a storage facility for later use.
This system is a compilation of many components and processes,
including (but not limited to) a catchment surface, conveyance system,
pre-storage filtration, storage container and post-storage distribution
system. For the majority of systems, precipitation falls onto the roof, is
collected via gutters, and conveyed to the storage container by a pipe
Pre-storage filtration is often utilized to prevent sediment, leaves and
debris from entering the storage container. A piping network then
conveys the water to the storage container. A first flush diverter is
incorporated into the conveyance piping to divert the dirtiest of the
runoff water (usually the first 1-3 minutes) away from the storage
container, thereby preserving the quality of water collected for later use.
Today because of rising populace and temperate development rate,
demand for the surface water is expanding exponentially. Because of
this reality the wellsprings of water are being over strained; which
will eventually bring about water deficiency all around the globe. Old
technique for damming waterway and transporting water to urban
zone has its own issues of everlasting inconveniences like system
break downs, contamination due to human activities etc.
Keeping in mind the end goal to save and take care of our day by day
demand of water prerequisite, we have to think for elective savvy and
generally less demanding mechanical techniques for getting water. Rain
water reaping therefore provides an outstanding amongst other
techniques satisfying option. In the same manner Arua Islamic Primary
school with population of over 1000 pupils and staff has its existing tap
water source overstrained hence calling for the need of an alternative
water source.
Main objective of the Project

Provision of clean and safe water for pupils and staff of Arua Islamic
Primary School
Specific objective

• To provide an alternate source of water for the staff and pupils of Arua
Islamic Primary School.

• To provide a practical learning ground for the students of National Higher

Diploma in Civil and Building engineering, undertaking the project.

• To fulfil the partial requirement for the award of National Higher

Diploma in Civil Engineering of Uganda Business and Technical
Examinations Board.
Scope of the project

1. Content Scope

This project involved the needs assessment at this school, coming up

with the technical drawings, and the general material list and the Bill of
Quantity (BOQ), mobilization of the building and the plumbing
materials, the construction and installation of the Rain Water Harvesting
system and the testing of the system for its functionality.
2. Geographical scope

This project was carried out at Arua Islamic Primary School, River Oli
Division, Arua Municipality, Arua District.

3. Time scope

This project was carried out for twelve weeks from February to April
1. Needs Assessment

After choosing rain water harvesting as the project to implement for this
semester’s Real Life Project, the team did water needs assessment in
this school, engaged the school administration to discuss the prospect of
implementing the project to benefit of the school. This idea was highly
welcomed by the school administration
2. Project planning

After carrying out needs assessment, a technical plan for the construction
of the tank base was drawn using computer program ARCHCAD. This plan
was shared with the project supervisor, who approved the plan and gave the
all clear for the project to proceed. This plan was later used to draw up the
material list and the BOQ for the project
Drawing for RWH Tank
3. Construction of the Tank Base.

This process started by setting out of the tank base (2800mm diameter),
then the excavation of the foundation trench (690 x 600 mm), compaction
and leveling of the foundation, blinding and casting of the 100 mm strip
foundation concrete, raising the 230 mm thick plinth wall , compaction of
100 mm marrum, placement of 200mm hardcore and casting of 150mm
over site concrete, plastering and finishes.
4. Installation of the reservoir (Tank)

The tank that was installed was a plastic tank of capacity 10 m 3 (10000
Litres) with base diameter of 2.4m and height of 2.2 m. Basic installations
on the tank were the inlet, an overflow and an outlet which was a tap stand,
constructed from GI pipe of 3/4’’ diameter.
5. Roof Installation

• Plastic gutters of 4 inch were secured in place using gutter clips firmly
fixed at 1000 c/c to the fascia boards using wood screws at a slope of
1:60 and the slope was towards a valley box.

• The down pipe of 3 inch was connected to the outlets of the valley box
(gutter chute) using solvent cement. The chute collects water from the
two angles of the roof and directs it to the storage tank. A downspout
was then extended down with a Tee joint to serve as Roof-washer.
6. System testing

After the completion of the work, the system was tested for its proper
functionality and officially handed over to the school administration.
7. Tools and equipment used.
Wheel barrows
Spirit level
Water level
Wood floats
Plumb bob
Hand saw and hark saw
Straight edge
Sledge hammer
Pick axe
Building line
Pipe wrench
Pipe die
Screw drivers
Claw hammer
Mortar pan
Reflections, Recommendations and
1. Reflections

• The project faced the challenge of finance as the project capital

contributed by the students fell short of the BOQ.

• The project was from time to time interrupted by rain and general bad
2. Recommendations

 Real life projects suggested for the students should be low cost
projects which can be easily funded by the students.

Material batching to be done on small scales to fend off wastage due

to bad weather (rain).
3. Conclusion

Despite the few challenges discussed above, the project was implemented
successfully and it met the following objectives;

1. An alternative source of clean and safe water was provided.

2. Students of Higher Diploma attained knowledge and skills on rain

Activity photos
Thank you!!

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