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Writing Research Reports

Lecture 11.1

Academic English Studies

What is Peer review?
Do you use it?
Why? / Why not?
Peer review of guided discussion

Peer review is an excellent learning tool. However, it needs to be

completed in some detail and not superficially to have any
learning benefit. You can then adapt the checklist in evaluating
your work for your research writing at a later date. While the
checklist refers to the discussion section it can equally be
adapted to other sections of the report.
Peer review discussion task D Implications

A Research questions
• implications of the study for the learning of EFL in Korea
• main purpose and summary of the research questions for the study

• accuracy and appropriateness of tense, sentence structure, vocabulary • accuracy and appropriateness of tense, sentence structure, vocabulary

• text coherence and cohesion

• text coherence and cohesion

B Review of results

• general findings in answering each research question and explanation E Further research

• accuracy and appropriateness of tense, sentence structure, vocabulary

• further research building on from this study
• text coherence and cohesion

C Limitations • accuracy and appropriateness of tense, sentence structure, vocabulary

• limitations of the study

• text coherence and cohesion

• accuracy and appropriateness of tense, sentence structure, vocabulary

F Concluding comme
• text coherence and cohesion
• statement reflecting on the motivation for learning English
1. Identify the main aims of the study.

2. Identify the key aspects of its method.

3. How do the researchers justify their approach?

4. What are its limits?

5. Identify the key results from the study.

6. Why were those results expected or unexpected?

7. What are the implications of these results?

8. What recommendations would you make based on the

Writing Discussions
Follow up
Writing practice

Write the guided Discussion section below

Note the following information:

Task-based language teaching and learning normally means less control by the teacher and higher risk of
discipline issues. Traditional teaching approaches are very teacher controlled so teachers can feel
uncomfortable in giving some control to the students in task-based teaching and learning. The other concern
teachers often have is that for task-based activities the outcomes are not often predictable in terms of good
practice of the language. This may mean that the syllabus which must be taught is not covered sufficiently in

A. Refer back to the aim/purpose of the study.

B. Summarise main findings about teachers’ attitudes towards TBLT and the degree of skill they demonstrate in implementing a task-
based approach in their primary school classrooms. Write introductory paragraph for the three discussion questions.

C. Comment on the design of the study: very small sample; students interactions were not recorded detailed analysis of what they
actually said is not possible; no analysis comparing episodes for each teacher (n=17 each) and across all three teachers.

D. Implications: for teacher educators (characteristics of communicative tasks; tolerance of productive noise, the need to maximize use
of the L2, ways of managing a TB classroom; realistic expectations of Year 1&2 students); for task designers (degree of difficulty,
student interest and involvement; opportunities to use the L2) and for school authorities (the importance of considering teachers’ beliefs
and theories of best practice).
D. Writing Discussions

Writing practice
Write the guided Discussion section below

Note the following information:

Task-based language teaching and learning normally means less control by the teacher and higher
risk of discipline issues. Traditional teaching approaches are very teacher controlled so teachers can
feel uncomfortable in giving some control to the students in task-based teaching and learning. The
other concern teachers often have is that for task-based activities the outcomes are not often
predictable in terms of good practice of the language. This may mean that the syllabus which must
be taught is not covered sufficiently in class.

A. Refer back to the aim/purpose of the study.

This piece of research explores the ways in which tasked-based language teaching is conducted in school
contexts. Three key aspects have been discussed in the literature in relation to the implementation of TBLT
in the classroom. The first concerns the use of the mother tongue in the classroom, the second relates to
issues with classroom management and finally the extent to which the target language (English in this case)
is actually produced when classroom tasks are carried out. (78 words)
D. Writing Discussions

Writing practice
Write the guided Discussion section below

Note the following information:

Task-based language teaching and learning normally means less control by the teacher and higher
risk of discipline issues. Traditional teaching approaches are very teacher controlled so teachers can
feel uncomfortable in giving some control to the students in task-based teaching and learning. The
other concern teachers often have is that for task-based activities the outcomes are not often
predictable in terms of good practice of the language. This may mean that the syllabus which must
be taught is not covered sufficiently in class.

A. Refer back to the aim/purpose of the study.

This research explored the ways in which tasked-based language teaching was being conducted in school
contexts. Three key aspects have been discussed in the literature in relation to the implementation of TBLT
in the classroom. The first concerns the use of the mother tongue in the classroom, the second relates to
issues with classroom management and finally the extent to which the target language (English in this case)
is actually produced when classroom tasks are carried out. (78 words)

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