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Writing Research Reports

Lecture 11.2

Academic English Studies

Language Focus 1

TB p.167, PDF p.163

Showing connections between ideas and
information in a text.

1. Reference
2. Linking words
3. Ellipsis & Substitution
4. Synonyms
1. Reference
•TASK 1 (TB, p167, PDF 163)
Read the following passages. Underline the parts in passage B that differ from passage A.
Why does B have better “flow” than A?

A. Lasers have found widespread application B. Lasers have found widespread application
in medicine. Lasers play an important role in in medicine. For example, they play an
the treatment of eye disease and the important role in the treatment of eye disease
prevention of blindness. The eye is ideally and the prevention of blindness. The eye is
suited for laser surgery. Most of the eye tissue ideally suited for laser surgery because most of to ensure
is transparent. The frequency and focus of the the eye tissue is transparent. Because of this
laser beam can be adjusted according to the transparency, the frequency and focus of the that
absorption of the tissue. The beam “cuts” laser beam can be adjusted according to the
inside the eye with minimal damage to the absorption of the tissue so that the beam
surrounding tissue - even the tissue between “cuts” inside the eye with minimal damage to to make
the laser and the incision. Lasers are effective the surrounding tissue - even the tissue
in treating some causes of blindness. Other between the laser and the incision. Lasers are sure that
treatments are not. The interaction between also more effective than other methods in
laser light and eye tissue is not fully treating some causes of blindness. However,
understood. the interaction between laser light and eye
tissue is not fully understood.
Reference markers can look backward to ideas already mentioned.
In the following sentences, what do the underlined words refer

a) When working with distance-learning students the availability

of the student to participate in research is a main concern. These
students often work on a part-time basis, taking only one or two
courses at a time.

b) All interviews were tape recorded. The interviews were later

transcribed and shown to the participants in the study.

TASK 2 (TB 168, PDF 164)

Reference with summary nouns
Sometimes the reference marker is used with a noun that summarises what
has already been written.

For things For things For things

that happen that we do that we think

incident action belief

event move idea
occurrence reaction view
situation behaviour attitude
circumstances practice perspective
development achievement
tendency act
In the USA, the levels of lead, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide have fallen
between 1978 and 1987. Despite this improvement, the air is still
contaminated with many carcinogens.

The Chemical Manufacturers Association has decided it will more strongly

support the pollution control efforts of the EPA. This assurance was a
major factor in the drafting of new regulations.

Nowadays, smart phones are smaller, cheaper and easier to use than five years
ago. These developments have led to huge increases in sales globally.
TASK 3 (TB 169 PDF 165)
Choose a summary word to complete each sentence. Use each word only ONCE. Different answers are possible – some more appropriate than others.

developments improvement
assurance trend
influx fall
decline support
proposals increase
measures amount

a. In the USA, the levels of lead, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide have fallen between 1978 and 1987. Despite this ________________________________, the air is still
contaminated with many carcinogens.

b. Ozone levels in the USA increased 5% from 1986-87, another 15% from 1987-88 and another 10% from 1988-90. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials are concerned
that if this ____________________________________ continues, serious environmental damage may occur.

c. The EPA states that individuals living near chemical plants have a higher than normal chance of developing cancer. This ___________________ has been substantiated by
numerous studies.

d. The EPA has revealed that 20 of the 320 known toxic chemicals in the air probably cause more than 2000 cases of cancer annually. While this __________________ may not
seem high, it is still a cause for concern.

e. The Chemical Manufacturers Association has decided it will more strongly support the pollution control efforts of the EPA. This _________________ was a major factor in the
drafting of new regulations.

f. According to recent research 24% of all New Zealanders, down from 40% thirty years ago, now smoke. This _________________ can be attributed partly to the mounting
evidence that links smoking with several fatal diseases.

g. In January of each year, the population of Waiheke Island in the Hauraki Gulf suddenly increases by several thousand as holidaymakers arrive for the summer. This
_______________ changes the island community in a number of ways.

h. Nowadays, mobile phones are smaller, cheaper and easier to use than five years ago. These ___________________________ have led to huge increases in sales of the

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