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Mobile Computing & Wireless

Communication (2170710)

Prof. M Dhanalakshmi,
Asst. Prof.,
IT Dept,
SCET, Surat.
Modulation Techniques

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 Signal Encoding Criteria
 Digital Data - Analog Signals
 Analog Data - Analog Signals,
 Analog Data - Digital Signals

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Signal Encoding Criteria

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Signal Encoding Criteria
 All modulation techniques involve operation on one
or more of the three fundamental frequency domain
 Amplitude
 Frequency
 Phase

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Signal Encoding Criteria
 Data transmission terms:
 Data Element: Unit – Bits, Binary 0 or 1.
 Data Rate: Bits per second (bps), Rate at which data
elements are transmitted.
 Signal Element: Digital -> Voltage with constant
◦ Analog: Pulse of constant frequency, phase and amplitude.
 Signaling Rate: Rate at which signal elements are

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Signal Encoding Criteria
 What determines how successful a receiver will be in interpreting an
incoming signal?
◦ Signal to noise ratio
◦ Data Rate
◦ Bandwidth
 An increase in data rate increases bit error rate.
 An increase in SNR decreases bit error rate.
 An increase in bandwidth allows an increase in data rate.
 Another important factor is encoding scheme. The encoding scheme is
the mapping from data bits to signal elements.

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Signal Encoding Criteria
 Unipolar: If all signal elements have same algebraic sign all
positive or all negative, then the signal is unipolar.
 Polar: One logic state represented by positive voltage , the
other by negative voltage.
 Duration or length of bit: Time taken for transmitter to
emit the bit.
 Modulation Rate: Rate at which the signal level changes.
Measured in baud, signal elements per second.

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Factors used to compare Encoding schemes

 Spectrum:
 The signal spectrum describes a signal’s magnitude and
phase characteristics as a function of frequency.
 The system spectrum describes how the system changes
signal magnitude and phase as a function of frequency.

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Factors used to compare Encoding schemes

 Clocking:
 The receiver must determine the beginning and end of
each bit position.
 Expensive approach is to provide a separate clock channel
to synchronize the transmitter and receiver.
 Alternate technique is to provide some synchronization
mechanism that is based on the transmitted signal.
 This is achieved with suitable encoding.

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Basic Encoding Techniques
Digital Data – Analog Signals

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Classification of Modulation Techniques

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 Digital Data – Analog Signals:

 1. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
◦ Amplitude difference of carrier frequency

 2. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

◦ Frequency difference near carrier frequency.

 3. Phase-Shift Keying (PSK)

◦ Phase of carrier signal shifted

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 1. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK):

 ASK is a type of Amplitude Modulation Technique , where the two binary
values are represented by two different amplitudes of the carrier
 Zero value for low input.
 One value / carrier output for High output.
 Application:
◦ Early telephone line modems.
◦ Early microcomputer for recording voice.
◦ To transmit digital data over optical fiber.
◦ LED transmiters.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 1. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK):

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 1. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK):

 Features:
 Simple to design
 On voice-grade lines , used upto 1200 bps.
 Diadvantage:
◦ Susceptible to sudden gain changes.
◦ Insufficient modulation technique.
◦ Can easily corrupted by noise.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 2. Binary Frequency Shift Keying:

 FSK is digital modulation technique, where frequency of the
carrier signal changes with respect to the changes in digital
 Application:
 High frequency radio transmission.
 Used at even higher frequencies on local area networks (LAN)
that use coaxial cable.
 Modem convert binary data from computer to FSK for
transmission over the telephone lines.
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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 2. Binary Frequency Shift Keying:

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 2. Binary Frequency Shift Keying:

 Features:
 Easy to implement.
 FSK shifts are usually in range of 50Hz to 100 Hz.
 Less susceptible to error than ASK.
 On voice grade lines , used upto 1200 bps.

 Disadvantages:
 Spectrum of FSK is 2X than ASK (double than ASK).
 Low data rate.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 3. Phase Shift Keying:

 PSK is the digital modulation technique in which the phase of signal is
changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.
 There are two types of PSK:
 1. Binary Phase Shift Keying
 2. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
 Applications:
 Wireless LANs.
 Biometrics
 Contactless Operations (RFID & Bluetooth)

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 3. Phase Shift Keying:

 Known as 2-phase PSK or Phase Reversal Keying
 In BPSK, the sine wave carrier takes two phase reversals such as 0 and
180 degree.
 For a zero binary input, the phase will be 0 and for a high input , the
phase reversal is of 180 degree.
 Two binary digits represented by two different frequencies near the
carrier frequency.
 f1 and f2 are offset from carrier frequency fc by equal but opposite

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 3. Phase Shift Keying:

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Digital Data – Analog Signals

 3. Phase Shift Keying:

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Basic Encoding Techniques
Analog Data – Analog Signals

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 Modulation of digital signals:

◦ When only analog transmission facilities are available, digital to analog
conversion is required.

 Modulation of analog signals:

◦ A higher frequency may be needed for effective transmission.
◦ Modulation permits frequency division multiplexing.

 1. Amplitude Modulation (AM)

 2. Angle Modulation
◦ Frequency Modulation (FM)
◦ Phase modulation (PM)

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 1. Amplitude Modulation:

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 1. Amplitude Modulation:
 Modulation has been defined as the process of combining an input
signal and a carrier at frequency fc to produce a signal whose
bandwidth is centred on fc.
 Amplitude Modulation (AM) is a form of modulation in which the
amplitude of a carrier wave is varied in direct proportion to that of a
modulating signal.
 The signal wave represents modulating wave, which is the message
signal. The carrier wave, which is a high frequency signal and
contains no information. AM wave is the resultant modulated wave.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 1. Amplitude Modulation:

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 1. Amplitude Modulation:

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 2. Angle Modulation:
 Angle modulation is the process in which the frequency or the phase of
the carrier varies according to the message signal.
 This is further divided into frequency and phase modulation.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 Frequency Modulation:
 Frequency of the carrier signal changes in accordance with the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal. ( original signal).
 The amplitude and phase of the carrier signal remains constant
whereas the frequency of the carrier changes.
 The frequency increases when the message signal reaches its
maximum amplitude.
 With the increase in amplitude of the modulating , the carrier
frequency increases.
 Similarly, the decrease in amplitude of the modulating , the carrier
frequency also decreases.
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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 Frequency Modulation:

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

 Phase Modulation:
 Phase of the carrier signal varies in accordance with the instantaneous
amplitude of the modulating signal.
 The amplitude and frequency of the carrier signal remains constant
whereas the phase of the carrier changes.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Analog Signals

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Basic Encoding Techniques
Analog Data – Digital Signals

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 The process of converting analog data into digital data in known as

 The device used for converting analog data into digital form for
transmission and recovering the original analog data from the digit is
called as a codec.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 Following techniques are used to convert Analog Data to

Digital Signals.
 1. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
 2. Delta Modulation (DM)

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 1. Pulse Code Modulation:

 Common technique to change an analog signal to digital
data is called as Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).
 A PCM encoder has the following three processes:
 1. Sampling
 2. Quantization
 3. Encoding

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 1. Pulse Code Modulation:

 First step in PCM is Sampling.
 Sampling is the process of measuring the amplitude of a continuous-
time signal at discrete instants, converting the continuous signal into a
discrete signal.
 No. of samples define sampling rate.
 Samples are measured in Hertz.
 1 sample per second = 1 Hz, 1000 sample per second = 1 KHz
 Standard Sample rate: Telephone = 8 KHz, VOIP = 16 KHz, Voice = 44

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 1. Pulse Code Modulation:

 Quantization:
 Quantization is done between the maximum amplitude value and
minimum amplitude value.
 Quantization is approximation of the instantaneous analog value.
 A device or algorithmic function that performs quantization is called a
 If we use more bits to quantize a signal, its quality will be better.
 By quantizing the PAM pulse, original signal is only approximated.
 Leads to quantizing noise.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 1. Pulse Code Modulation:

 Encoding:
 The digitization of the Analog signal is done by the encoder.
 After each sample is quantized and the number of bits per sample is
decided, each sample can be changed to an n bit code.
 In encoding, each approximated value is then converted into binary

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 1. Pulse Code Modulation:

 Drawbacks:
 Overload appears when modulating signal changes between samples,
by an amount greater than the step size of the step.
 Large bandwidth is required for transmission.
 Noise and crosstalk is low but rises attenuation.
 An IDN (Integrated Digital Network) can only be realized by gradual
extension of noise.
 The difference between original analog signal and translated digital
signal is called quantizing error.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 2. Delta Modulation:
 Analog input is approximated by staircase function.
◦ Moves up or down by one quantization level at each sampling interval.

 The bit stream approximates derivative of analog signal rather than

 1 is generated if function goes up
 0 otherwise.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 2. Delta Modulation:
 The sampling rate of a signal should be higher than the Nyquist rate to
achieve better sampling.
 If this sampling interval in PCM is reduced considerably, the sample-to-
sample amplitude difference is very small, as if the difference is 1- bit
quantization, then the step-size will be very small i.e delta.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 2. Delta Modulation:
 Two important parameters:
◦ Size of step assigned to each binary digit.
◦ Sampling rate.

 Accuracy improved by increasing sampling rate, however this increases

the data rate.
 Advantage of DM over PCM is the simplicity of its implementation.

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 2. Delta Modulation:

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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

 2. Delta Modulation:
 Advantages:
 At lower bit rates DM is better than the standard PCM.
 DM works with lower bandwidth. This makes the system cost effective
and simple to implement.
 The feedback mechanism present in this modulation system ensures the
quick and robust delivery of data bits.
 Application:
 Useful in systems where timely data delivery at the receiver end is more
important than the data quality.
 DM is applied in television systems.
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Basic Encoding Techniques for Analog Data – Digital Signals

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