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Team members:

21 : Yogesh Yashvant Gavit

11 : Prathamesh Keda Chaure
18 : Nilesh Murlidhar Gaikwad
42 : Vaibhav Madhukar More

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Overview Of Topics

What Is Virtual Reality?

Types of Virtual Reality.

• Non-immersive Virtual Reality.

• Fully Immersive Virtual Reality.

• Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality.

• Augmented Reality.

• Collaborative VR.
What Is Virtual Reality?
 Virtual Reality refers to
generating a virtual environment
or projection which creates a
realistic experience but does not
exist in reality.

 It is a virtual experience that you

can observe, listen to, and interact
with, but cannot touch.

 Ex. Virtual tour, Proche VR

Types Of Virtual Reality?

• Non-immersive Virtual Reality.

• Fully Immersive Virtual Reality.

• Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality.

• Augmented Reality.

• Collaborative VR
Non-immersive Virtual Reality.

 Non-immersive virtual reality

refers to a virtual experience
through a computer where you
can control some characters or
activities within the software, but
the environment is not directly
interacting with you.
 For example, when you play
video games such as World of
WarCraft, PlayStation, Xbox,
 Advantages

• Cost-effective.

• Ease to use.

• Flexibility.

• Limited immersion.

• Limited interaction.

• Limited sensory experience.

Fully Immersive Virtual Reality
 Fully immersive virtual reality (VR) is a
technology that enables users to enter and
interact with a computer-generated
environment as if they were actually there.

 It typically involves wearing a VR headset

that displays a 3D world in stereoscopic
vision, as well as headphones or speakers
for spatial audio.

 This is an expensive form of virtual reality

that involves helmets, gloves, and body
connectors with sense detectors.
 Advantages

• Enhanced Immersion.

• Cost-effective.

• Safe Environment.

• Health Risks.

• Expensive.

• Limited Social Interaction.

• Addiction
Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality

 A semi-immersive virtual reality is

a mixture of non-immersive and
fully immersive virtual reality.

 This can be in the form of a 3D

space or virtual environment
where you can move about on
your own either through a
computer screen or a VR

Ex. flight simulator,

 Advantages

• Real-world awareness.

• Cost-effective.

• Accessibility

• Limited interactivity.

• Technical limitations.

• Distractions.
Augmented Reality
 Augmented Reality is when a
certain entity or device seems to
be present in reality but is
actually not.

 Rather than putting you into a

virtual world, a virtual entity is
placed in the real world through
any device.

ex. IKEA Mobile App, Pokemon Go,

 Advantages

• Enhances user experience.

• Increased interactivity.

• Improved learning.

• Versatility.

• Privacy concerns.

• Technical limitations.

• Cost.
Collaborative VR
 This is a form of a virtual world
where different people from various
locations can come into contact
within a virtual environment, usually
in the form of 3D or projected

Ex. PUBG (Players Unknown Battle-

 Advantages

• Enhances collaboration.

• Improves productivity.

• Cost-effective.

• Scalability.

• Learning curve.

• Technical limitations.

• Connectivity.
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