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Raditya Ari Pramudyatama

What did you know about pet?
What is a pet?

• A pet is defined as: "a domestic or tamed

animal kept for companionship or
pleasure and treated with care and
• This means that these animals are
either bred to be pets, or wild animals
that are tamed after capture or rescue.

• Pets are specifically kept to keep us

company, and we reward them by caring
for them!
Types of
• There are lots of types of pets! Here
are some common ones:
Exotic pets

• Dogs have been bred to

be great pets in all sorts
of situations.
• There are lots of breeds (or
types) of dogs, and each
one has its own personality
and strengths.
• Choosing a dog for a pet
means an animal that requires a
lot of care, but can be trained,
have very unique personalities,
and can be extremely loyal.
There are also lots of games
you can play with dogs!

• Cats also come in lots of

shapes and sizes, but the
differences between breeds
aren't as dramatic as dogs.
• Cats vary less in size than
dogs, and also in
• However, every breed of cat
does look and act
• They are more independent
than dogs, but still require
feeding and cleaning.
• It's much harder to train a cat
than a dog, but many are just
as friendly and loving!

A Pet birds can be

a very fun addition to a
• Some can be trained to
do tricks, or even talk!
• Some people let their
fly, while others clip their

A Birds live in cages, or in aviaries

to give them more space,
especially if you have a lot of
• Common pet birds are
parakeets, parrots, cockatiels, coc
katoos, finches, canaries, and
lovebirds, but there are lots of
other types, too !

• Reptiles are pets that are a

little more out of the ordinary.
• Reptiles have scales and
typically live in a terrarium, or
a tank, that is kept dry and
• They're harder to play with
and train, but some people
say they have very friendly
• Typical reptile pets are
snakes, turtles, and lizards
(like bearded dragons and

• Rodents are usually small, fuzzy,

and cute animals that live in
cages or small enclosures.

• They don't play games like other

pets, but they're fun to watch run
around, and some even cuddle!

• They do require a lot of

cage cleaning.

• Common rodent pets are

mice, hamsters, gerbils, rats,
rabbits, and guinea pigs.
• Fish aren't always very
exciting pets, but they can be
very calming.

• Some people like to collect

different types of fish, and
their tank is seen as full of
prizes as well as decoration.

• There are two kinds of tanks:

saltwater and freshwater. They
both require different caretaking
and can have different types of
Insects and Arthropods

• Some people like to get

really unusual and keep
insects as pets.
• This is more common in
countries besides the US,
like Japan.
• Common insect pets are
crickets, praying mantis, ants in
ant farms, caterpillars, and stick
bugs. Some people even keep

• Spiders also go in this

category. Have you ever met
someone with a pet

• Horses can be great pets,

and people form deep
attachments to their horses.
• Horses can definitely be
trained, and a lot of people say
they have personalities as
strong as those of dogs!
• Horses are one of the easiest
pets to "play" with, since riding
them is a major hobby for a lot
of people.
• Horses can be very
expensive, and require a lot of
space and work. But for those
who love them, it's absolutely
worth it.
Exotic Animals

• Some people choose very

unusual and rare pets, which are
called "exotic."

• Some examples of this would

be monkeys, wolves, bears,
large cats, rare tonoises, or

/\ However, there are not

"common" exotic pets, because
then they wouldn't be exotic!

/\ It's very important to keep in mind

where these pets come from (such
as poaching or smuggling) and
whether it is legal and safe to
keep them. A lot of times, the
answer is
Far m A nima ls

• Remember that the main

purpose of a pet is
companionship, not labor
or food. This means that
farm animals are not
usually considered "pets."

• However, some farm

animals are seen as pets,
and their owners form
emotional attachments to

• This typically happens with

animals that produce for their
whole lives, like dairy cows
that give milk.
• Pets are a big responsibility. There are
many types, and each comes with its own
set of needs and issues. However,
if you have
love and room for a pet in your life, they can
be a wonderful addition to the family. Just
make sure you do your research and
choose the right pet from the right place for
you. If you do, and you can care for it, you
and your pet can be best friends for a long
time to come.

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