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Good morning,


Matt Dani Cia Kim

Demonstration Method

• I see and I remember,

• I hear and I know,
• I do and I understand,
• Education must begin with the childhood & must be adapted to the needs & requirements of
the child as grows.

• An instructional method is the way information is taught that brings the learner into contact
with what is to be learned. Some examples of methods are workshop, projects, role-playing,
self directed learning, micro teaching, programmed instruction, and computer assisted
instruction, clinical teaching methods.

• Instructional materials or tools on the other hand are the object or vehicles, to transmit the
information that supplement the act of teaching. Books, videos & posters are examples of
materials & tools that are used to communicate information.
Demonstration is useful either by
itself or to accompany a formal
lecture or informal talk in the
classroom, laboratory or clinical
area.It is one of the important
methods to teach nursing. In nursing,
it is used for the purpose and also for
clinics, conferences, laboratory
classes, symposium,autopsies and
teaching or health to patients; this
method is of important in teaching of

Purposes To show the learner

why certain things
Of occur. It aids the
SYNTHESIS 1 Demonstration learner’s understanding
of a concept of
To show the learner
how to perform certain
psychomotor of
*Know What You're Doing: The person showing the procedure should understand
it well.

*Get Ready: Make sure all the equipment is ready and works before you start.
*Give Some Background: Tell students a bit about the procedure before you show
it to them.
*Stay Positive: Keep a good attitude during the demonstration.
*Make Sure Everyone Can See: Everyone should be able to see what's happening

*Realistic Setting: Try to set up the demonstration like it would be in real life, if
Phases Phases

•Explanation Phase:
•Explain Clearly and Relevantly: Teachers should explain things
clearly and in a way that relates to what students already know.

•Teach Skills Precisely: When teaching a skill, teachers need to

tell students exactly what to do and what the end result should be.

• Ask Questions: Teachers should ask students if they have any

questions about what they're learning to make sure everyone
•Demonstration Phase:
•Show and Tell: Teachers need to demonstrate how to do
something while explaining it.

•Keep it Simple: During the demonstration, teachers should

focus only on what's necessary so students can understand

•Explain Changes: If something doesn't go as planned during the

demonstration, teachers should say why right away.
•Student Performance Phase and Instructor Supervision
•Practice Right Away: After seeing how to do something, students
should get a chance to try it themselves soon after.

•Supervised Practice: For example, if learning to give a bed bath,

students should do it with the instructor watching and guiding

•Get Feedback: The instructor can help students correct mistakes

and improve before they do it for real on a patient.
•Evaluation Phase
•In this Phase the instructor judges student performance.

•The student displays whatever competence has been attained, and the instructor discovers just
how well the skill has been learned.

•To test each student’s ability to perform, the instructor requires students to work
independently throughout this phase and makes some comment as to how each performed the
skill relative to the way it was taught.

•From this measurement of student achievement, the instructor determines the effectiveness of
the instructions
•Rehearse your presentation in advance of the lesson.

•Anticipate any difficult steps, possible interruptions.

•Obtain all materials, tools, equipment, visual and teaching
RESPONSIBILITIES aids inadvance and check their useful condition.

OF TEACHER FOR •Have all materials within reach and conveniently arranged.

DEMONSTRATION: •Make sure all students can see and hear the lesson.

Before Demonstration •Explain WHY and HOW; use the techniques of SHOW and
•Observe all safety rules and procedures.

•Keep eye-contact with the class; ask and encourage class

During Demonstration
Lead Well: Show how things are done right so trainees can learn from you.

Explain as You Go: Talk about each step while you're doing it, following your plan.

Make Sure Everyone Can See and Hear: Everyone should be able to see you and hear you clearly, and you should look at them

Be Safe: Follow safety rules and remind trainees about them too.

Use Visual Aids: Use things like boards, charts, or handouts to help explain.

Let Trainees Join In: If possible, let trainees try things out during or after the demonstration.

Show the Right Way: Only demonstrate the correct way to do things, so trainees learn it right the first time.

Summarize and Repeat Key Points: Go over what you did and remind everyone of the important stuff again.
After Demonstration
Organize: Put away all items used during the demonstration.
Arrange Practice: Schedule a practice session soon after the demonstration where trainees can try the skill
Observe and Analyze: Watch how trainees perform and identify any mistakes.
Provide Support: Help trainees who are struggling or need extra assistance.
Check and Record: Review trainees' completed work to ensure it was done correctly, and keep records of
their performance.
Allow Breaks: Give enough time between demonstrations or practice sessions for trainees to process the
information and rest.

1. *Observational Learning: Students can see and hear how things are done,
which helps them understand better.

2. *Works for Everyone: It's easy to understand and can be used for both
groups and individuals.

3. *Checking Understanding: Teachers can see if students understand by

watching them during demonstrations.

4. *Boosts Motivation: Students can ask to see things again if they need to,
which helps them stay interested.

1. *Passive Learning: Students just watch, so they're not actively involved.

2. *Same Pace for Everyone: It doesn't let students learn at their own

3. *Needs Preparation: Teachers have to plan and practice a lot


4. *Special Setup Needed: Sometimes, you need a special classroom or

lab, which can be a hassle.
Simulations are meant to be as realistic as possible and students
are able to experience consequence of their behavior and
decisions. Simulations are useful teaching strategy for illustrating
a complex and changing situation.Simulation presents learners
with a more or less life like model of the real world with which
they interact in solving problems from an adopted role
1. *Mix of Activities: Use different ways to learn that everyone can do
2. *Safety First: Make sure learning is more important than anything else,
like taking care of patients.
3. *Learning by Doing: Focus on using what you know, not just
remembering facts.
4. *Quick Feedback: Tell learners how they're doing right away, so they can
get better faster.
Types types

•Types Of Simulations
Written Simulation
Individual uses either paper or pencil latent image format. The purposes
include problem-solving, decision-making, to evaluate student’s ability to
apply the skill.

Audiovisual Simulation
An entire simulation can be placed on video tape. Questions can be posed
for the viewers right on the screen, and the alternative outcomes, depends on
which approaches to a solution are chosen, can be all taped.
•Types Of Simulations

Live stimulated simulations:

In this method the patients are healthy people who are trained in the role
they were to play. Simulated patients use their own history as much as
possible but memorize and add the elements of the history that is created for
the simulation.
1.Initiate the problem in a realistic
manner; it should contain the elements
a nurse would encounter in the real
2.Enable the learner to obtain the
necessary information and/or feedback
related to a previous decision as input
to the next step.
3.The simulation should accommodate
alternative solutions if these are
possible in real life.

1. Hands-On Learning: Simulations let students apply what they've learned

in realistic situations.
2. Consistency: Everyone gets the same learning experience, which is fair.
3. Motivates Learning: Simulations make students want to study more
because they have to use a lot of what they know.
4. Feedback and Learning from Mistakes**: Students get feedback on what
they do wrong and learn from it.
5. Active Learning: Students actively participate, which helps them learn
6. Safe Practice: They can practice without worrying about hurting anyone.

1. Time-consuming Development: Making simulations that feel real takes a

lot of time and effort.

2. Feedback Challenges: Giving useful feedback might need fancy tools,

making it more complicated.

3. Realism vs. Learning: If the simulation doesn't feel real enough, it might
not help learners as much.

4. Relevance: Sometimes, learners might not feel like the simulation matches
what they need to learn, which can make it less helpful.
Thank You for listening!

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