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Partially ordered sets

Consider a relation ‘R’ on a set ‘S’ satisfying the following properties

1)R is reflexive i.e x related to x for every x ∈ S

2) R is anti-symmetric i.e if x is related to y & y is related to x then


3) R is transitive i.e if x is related to y & y is related to z then x is

related to z

Any relation which satisfies these relation is called partially ordered


Example : In the set of real numbers , the relation of “less than or

equal to “ is partial order relation. So (R, <=) is a partial ordered
Totally Ordered Set

 A partial order relation R in a set is called

total order relation if for every element a,b ∈
A such that either a is related to b or b is
related to a or a=b….

 A set with total order relation is called total

order set

 Example: The set of integers with “ less than

or equal to “ is Total order set.

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