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Passive Voice

(be + past participle)

is cleaned
was sold
is being sung
can be repaired
has been helped

• 1. The floor is cleaned by the students everyday

• 2. The house was sold by him yesterday
• 3. A song is being sung by them now
• 4. The car can be repaired by him
• 5. Tono has been helped by her for an hour
Study the following sentences :

• The students clean the floor everyday

subject object

• The floor is cleaned by the students everyday

subject object
1. The subject of active voice turns into the object of passive voice
2. The object of active turns into the subject of subject of passive voice
3. Only transitive verbs that can be turned into passive form
4. Be of passive must be suitable to the tense of active statement

Tense Active form Passive form

Simple Present Verb + s/es Is, am, are + PP

Simple Past Verb 2/ed was/were + PP

Present Be + Verb-ing Is, am, are + being + PP

Present Perfect Has/have + PP Has/have + been + PP

Simple Future Will + verb Will be

+ PP

PP = Present Participle
Change the following sentences into passive voice !

• 1. Raka is preparing the singing contest now

• 2. The man killed the snake last night
• 3. I am cooking rice now
• 4. Tony will sell this house next year
• 5. The police have arrested the robbers successfully
• 6. The sun produces energy.
• 7. Global heating will melt the ice in the North and the
south pole
• 8. The policemen have evacuated the victims of disaster
Latihan beneran
1. People in the village are building the bridge.
2. Floods often cause big problem
3. The government will rebuild the roads in
short time.
4. The heavy rain have overloaded the houses in
the city
5. The use of pesticide for a long time can
decrease the fertility of the soil
The correct answer

• 1. The bridge is being built by people in the

• 2. big problem is often caused by floods
• 3. the roads will be rebuilt by the government in
short time
• 4. the houses in the city have been overloaded
by the heavy rain
• 5.The fertility of the soil can be decreased by the
used of pesticide for a long time

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