Case Study 1 - Nerdgang - QTKDQT

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Managing across
Cultures in a Big Four
Consulting Firm


• Imagine you were Farquar, what would you have done differently
in this case?

Image I were Facquar, in this case, I didn’t order a German beer instead
order some famous Mexico beers, for example Modelo, Victoria, Corona…
Because Mexico is quite famous in the field of beer so when in a Mexican
restaurant it was polite to call German beer
2. Why did the Taiwanese react the way they did?

• Cultural and Professional


2. Desire for growth

3. Knowledge and communication


4. Implementation Challenges

3. Why did the tndians react the way they did?

4. Varied Individual Partner

1. Cultural Differences
2. Desire to Adopt Western
5. Differences in Management
Business Practices.
3. Gap Between Talk and Action. 6. Potential Miscommunication or
Differing Expectations.

4. Why did the mernbers of the Executive Committee
react they way they did?
1. Differences in perspectives on the project's scope :
Some members viewed it as a strategic review,
while others expected a marketing study.
2. Varied perceptions of the project's value:
Some members saw it as important and beneficial for all practices,
while others may have had reservations.

3. Individual personalities and management styles:

Members had different communication styles and ways of expressing their
5. From the Firm's perspective, what should have been done differently in this
review? Include in your answer, what organisational structure and control you
would introduce for the Firm's Asia Pacific operations?

The Intemational Board took an active interest in the performance of each

county Practice because they felt it reflected on the Firm's overall
competitive position and growth. An under-performing Practice places
clients at risk of leaving. The Board was also interested in implerrenting
cornmon procedures and policies across all Practices to better monitor and
contol performance. However, the reality was that most counfiy Practices
operated with a great deal of autonomy.
Based on the information provided, there are several aspects of the Firm's organizational
structure and control that could be reconsidered for improvement. Here are some
1. Centralized Decision-Making
While each country operates as a separate, autonomous entity, there appears to
be a need for more centralized decision-making to ensure consistency and
alignment with the overall strategy of the Firm.
2. Communication and Coordination
he information suggests that there may be a lack of communication and
coordination among Practices.
3. Performance Monitoring and Control
The International Board's interest in implementing common procedures and
policies indicates a need for better performance monitoring and control
4. Flexibility in Autonomy
While some level of autonomy is essential, it's important to strike the right
5. Regular Review and Adaptation
Regular reviews should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the
existing structure and make necessary adjustments to adapt to changing
business environments.
6. If you were Farquar, what would you do after Mr
Tai’s comments (i.e. at the end of the case?)

1. Remain Calm and Professional 3. Highlight Key Points

2. Seek Clarification 4. Offer Solutions

6. If you were Farquar, what would you do after Mr
Tai’s comments (i.e. at the end of the case?)

5. Emphasize Long-term Goals

6. Request a Follow-up Meeting

7. Evaluate Career Options

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