Unit 4 and 5 Lesson 9 The Ultimate Recap

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The ultimate recap
Objective: to review previous content
Frequency adverbs

100% 75% 50% 25% 0%

ever never
The words always, usually, sometimes, hardly
ever, and never go before the action verb

A) I sometimes eat riped bananas.

B) She usually plays videogames.
C) They never watch a movie during the week.
D) He always likes listening to music.
E) Your dog hardly ever stays at home
Spot the mistakes

A) We play the guitar always.

B) never Peter eats betroot.
C) My mom is always happy.
D) My cousin hardly ever reads a book.
E) The president walks alone on the street never.
F) They smoke usually a cigarette before classes.
In the case of using verb BE. The words
always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, and
never go after the verb BE
Create 10 sentences using the verbs in the
box + frequency adverbs.
Expressions of frequency
The words known as frequency expressions are
always placed at the end of a sentence.

They are made of an adverb and a unit of time

A) I watch youtube every day.

B) My cat eats three times a day.
C) Our father goes for a walk once a day.
D) She goes to the gym twice a week.
E) They visit Chiloe every year.
Elements to create frequency expressions

Adverb Unit of time

every day
Once A week
twice A month

Three times A year

Many times A week
Expressing likes
and dislikes
To express activities that you like you need to follow
Likes this sentence pattern:
Subject + like + activity verb with ING
Remember that HE – SHE – IT need and –S in positive sentences.

To express activities that you don’t like you need to

Dislikes follow this sentence pattern:
Subject + do not like + activity verb with ING

Remember that HE – SHE – IT need and –ES to the auxiliar DO in

negative sentences.
How to ask about
likes and dislikes
To ask other people about their
preferences use this sentence pattern:
Do + Subject + like + the activity with ING

Remember that HE – SHE – IT need and –ES to the auxiliar DO in

interrogative sentences.
Consecutive verbs
When the first verb expresses
an emotion or preference, the
second verb should usually be
in the form of a gerund.
Verbs that are most likely to have a 2nd verb
with ING
• be afraid / tired of ... etc ,
• can't stand, detest, dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love
Spot the mistakes
A) He likes wear shirts on summer.
B) We doesn’t like playing rugby.
C) She like studying English.
D) They rarely ever like go to school
E) they Do like spending time with their friends?
F) Do she like listen to music?
G) Does they like eating salad?
H) I hate read books.
Remember that certain sports or activities
need a specific word before them.
These specific words are: Go – Play - Do

Go Play Do
Mostly used with Mostly used with sports Mostly used with martial
individual sports. that need objects to be arts, sports or activities that
skiing, swimming,
done. don’t requiere an object
climbing, diving, soccer, baseball, basketball, Aerobics, karate,
fishing, running, rugby, tennis, hockey, yoga, gymnastics,
skating volleyball, chess, etc. etc.
Create a positive, negative and interrogative
sentence for each activity in the box below.

Use these words as 1st verb:

dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love

Use these words as 2nd verb:

Study languages – Go swimming – Play chess – Spend time with Friends –

Watch television – Listen to music
Articles “A / AN ” and “THE”
“There is / There are”
Used to speak about the presence or existence of
Possessive Adjectives
Create a description of
Santiago Chile. Include:
- There is/are and There isn’t
/ aren’t.
- Possessive adjective (its)
- Articles “A/AN” and “THE”

Minimun 40 words

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