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Final Year Preaching
Confessional Prayer
Venue:- Lady MuirSong
Congregational Chapel
Theme:- Portionof love
The fragrance
Intercessory Prayer
Welcome you all
Prayer &Priyanka
Preacher:- Benediction
Call to Worship
Leader- Mr. Macwan Prince
“For Your Love is great
towards us; you are merciful
and gracious, slow to anger
and abounding in steadfast
love and faithfulness.”
If I speak in the tongues of men
If I talk like an angel
If I preach with inspiration,
And if I have all faith to move the hills
If I give away everything I have
And distribute them to the poor
If I give up my body to be burner
And if I die for a cause
But have not loved
But have not loved
I am nothing but a gong, a noisy
Not far from changing cymbals
Or ringing bells
That gives out a sound but not a
For love is patient, it is kind
It’s not jealous, nor it is blind
And love rejoices in the truth
Not in the wrong ,
If I love I believe all things

If I love I endure all things

If I love I hope all things
And if I love I conquer
But have not loved
But have not loved
I am nothing but a gong, a noisy gong.
Not far from changing cymbals
Or ringing bells
That gives out a sound but not a tune.
For love is patient, it is kind
It’s not jealous, nor it is blind
And love rejoices in the truth
Not in the wrong ,
Love never ends.
Prayer of confession
(All together)
Almighty God, our heavenly Father,
We have sinned against you and against
one another
In thoughts and words and deed,
In the evil we have done
And in the good we have not done,
Through ignorance, through weakness,
Through our own deliberate fault.
We are truly sorry and repent of all
our sins.
For the shake of your son, Jesus
Christ, who died for us,
Forgive us all that is past, and grant
that we may serve you in newness of
To the glory of you name.
Prayer of Absolution
Almighty God, who forgives all who forgives
one another and truly repent of their sins,
Have mercy on us, pardon and deliver us
from all our sins, confirm and strength us in
all goodness,
And keep us in life eternal, through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
Thanks be to God
Scripture reading

1 Corinthian 13:1-8a
Intercessory Prayer

Mr. Samuvel Rajkumar

Ms. Priyanka Naskar
1. Spirituality
without love
is nothing
2. Love is Edifying
3. Love is Enduring
(Vv. 6-8a)
Closing Prayer

Thank You

Jesus Loves You

May God Bless Us

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