Numerical Methods

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Numerical Methods

False Position Method

( Regula-Falsi Method)
Regula- Falsi Method

•Oldest method ( dates back to ancient Egyptians)

•Also known as method of linear interpolation or False
position method.
•Effective alternate to Bisection method.
•Roots convergence is faster than Bisection method.
•Computational efforts are less.
The False-Position Method (Regula-Falsi)
The approach here is to estimate the root
by finding the point at which a line drawn
between xl and xu crosses the x axis.
We can approximate the solution by doing a
linear interpolation between f(xu) and f(xl)

Find xr such that l(xr)=0, where l(x) is the

linear approximation of f(x) between xl and

Derive xr using intersection of x-axis with

the equation of line between the points xl
and xu

xl f u  xu f l
xr 
fu  fl
More clear view of iterations

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