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Balkan Debate Academy 2019

NOVICE, Lucía Arce Cubas

Building Arguments
What is an argument?

● A reason to support or oppose the motion.

● ‘THW introduce the death penalty’
● PROP argument: it stops people from committing the worst crimes
● OPP argument: it is cruel and unusual punishment

● You all can get this far. Coming up with reasons to support or oppose a
motion is simple… you then develop that fifteen second sentence into fully
developed, winning arguments.
How to make strong arguments?

● Always always always use the same structure when developing an argument until it
becomes second nature. It helps with all aspects of debating – comparing teams is arguing,
responding is just making opposing arguments.

● All arguments must have a certain structure (which we will talk about), but overall must
consist of:
○ 1) A title

○ 2) A statement - what is the argument trying to prove?

○ 3) An explanation of the argument – this is the bit that varies the most

○ 4) Impact – why does this argument matter, and why does it matter more than other things?
Title and statement

● The title is important – it tells judges what your team is going to do, and it is
vital for having clarity in your speech and a structure you can rely on. Make
titles to the point and descriptive.
● The statement is often what you already do in prep – come up with a lot of
reasons to support or oppose. It should be concise, specific and tell people
the conclusion of your argument. The ANALYSIS you do to prove that
conclusion comes after
Titles and statements

● THW legalise drugs

● THS ‘decapitation’ strategies to deal with terrorism

● THBT we should abolish military courts

● THW ban ride-sharing apps (like uber, taxify, DD)

Explanation / Analysis

● This is the logical steps or reasoning that means that your previous statement
is true. It can also be evidence – but that must be substantiated by
● HOW do you analyse though?

○ Keep asking yourself why – at each step of that why, give reasons for why until you can move
to the next premise. Train yourself to give multiple reasons why each thing is true

○ Sometimes it is a process of going from A to Z. Explain each individual step.

○ Give an example… but EXPLAIN how this follows the logic!

Explanation and Analysis

● EXAMPLE: THW legalise drugs, argument: helping addicts

○ Legalising drugs helps people who are addicted to drugs

■ Why? 1) Removes the taboo around drugs so they feel like. they can talk to their family 2) They
no longer fear being thrown in jail if they come out

○ This means we are better able to treat people with addiction

■ Why? 1) They are more willing to come out, and we can help before it gets really bad
(overdosing) 2) If there is less taboo against it, it is more likely people talk about it and you are
able to spot red flags, preventing people getting addicted.

○ These individuals will exist on both worlds, but we deal with them better
Explanation and analysis

● THW legalise drugs

● THS ‘decapitation’ strategies to deal with terrorism

● THBT we should abolish military courts

● THW ban ride-sharing apps (like uber, taxify, DD)


● Why the argument is important in the debate and something we should care
● The bit people often forget is why this is MORE important than other things in
the debate. Teams will always manage to prove something, so it is important
to explain why what you proved matters more.
Impacts – how to do it?

● WHY it is important – people’s quality of life? Principles?

● Why MORE important

○ Numbers

○ Intensity of harm / benefit

○ Long-term / Short-term

○ Affects more disadvantaged people

○ Hard / easy to reverse

○ Special responsibility

● THW legalise drugs

● THS ‘decapitation’ strategies to deal with terrorism

● THBT we should abolish military courts

● THW ban ride-sharing apps (like uber, taxify, DD)

Now you try!

● Title ● THW ban conscription

● Statement ● THW raise children in state-controlled child-raising
● Explanation facilities rather than in families
● Impact ● THS the use of torture
● THW ban the consumption of meat

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