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Transformative Learning
Su-Tuan Lulee Mary McNabb Gordon Preston Rebecca Walker
EDDE 801 Group #4 Presentation at Athabasca University

Transformative Learning

Overview Research survey Criticisms of TL theory Implications for distance education Summary and conclusions Resources

Definition of TL

Transformative Learning is The process of using a prior interpretation to construe a new or revised interpretation of the meaning of ones experience in order to guide future action" (Mezirow, 1996: 162). Idealized model of adult learning Learners who are actively engaged vs. learners as receptacles Critical reflection, discourse, and relationships New perspectives guide actions

Dougs Transformative Learning


Mezirows Ten Phases of Transformative Learning


Disorienting dilemma Self examination Critical assessment Shared discontent New roles, relationships, and actions

Mezirows Ten Phases of Transformative Learning


Planning action Knowledge/skill acquisition Role experimentation Role competency Reintegration

Research Survey

Jack Mezirow (1994, 1996 - unit B) Adult Education Quarterly Journal of Transformative Learning John M. Dirkx, Jack Mezirow and Patricia Cranton (2006) Andrew Kitchenham (2008) Edward Taylor (1997, 2007)

Empirical Research on TL

Conducted in a higher education context Most studies used a qualitative research design Reflection is essential in the process of TL Relationships with others is also essential Context, both personal and socio-cultural are significant factors

Empirical Research on TL (contd)


Most studies did not critically evaluate previous studies Most studies did not critically evaluate Mezirows theory itself Process can be gradual or epochal Process is irreversible

Criticism of TL

Need to distinguish between normal life cycle stages and TL (M. Tennant, 1993) Perspective transformation not always dependent on critical reflection (Taylor, 1993) Transformation may not be positive Transformation is irreversible

Criticism of TL (contd)

TL should suggest a more integrated and holistic understanding of subjectivity, one that reflects the intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual dimensions of our being in the world. (Dirks, 2006) Too much emphasis on a rational approach ignoring the importance of intuition, imagination and emotion. (Boyd & Myers, 1988; Gravov, 1997)

Criticism of TL (contd)

Some individuals may never move beyond the intense emotions of the disorienting dilemma Since TL is an idealized model of adult learning, is it over-prescribed in teaching?


Transformative Learning Theory Web site Journal of Transformative Education International Transformative Learning Conference Adult Education Quarterly ournal200765 Group 4 Transformative Learning Web site

Can TL be Applied to Online Distance Learning ?


More open and relaxed than F2F Asynchronous discussions allow time and mental space Documentary nature allows reflection & discourse structurally and allows iteration and reiteration of concepts

Technology and TL in Online Distance Learning


Technologies (virtual world, Blog, stream media) can create life-like situations Collaborative learning platform (LMS, social software) provides an opportunity for those who live in isolation to participate Web conferencing simulates F2F learning experience

Examining TL Using Distance Education Learning Theory


Transformative Learning

Community of inquiry is important in higherorder thinking Community of inquiry is a valuable context for critical thinking

By Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000

Examining TL Using Distance Education Learning Theory


Transformative Learning
Recognizing the problem - disorienting dilemma Sense of puzzlement - self examination Inquisitive Divergence, Information exchange Exploration of options for new roles Tentative Convergence, Connecting ideas Planning a course of action, Acquiring knowledge and skills Committed Vicarious application to real world, Testing solutions Trying new roles, Building competence & selfconfidence in new roles Defending solutions Reintegration new perspective into ones life.

By Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000

TL in Online Settings Case Studies


Case studies on various course topics, e.g., cultural differences, loyalty, teacher development Phases of transformative learning evident have fundamental changes in preconceived ideas, beliefs, habits, or assumptions (Boyer et al, 2006) Many false starts and random associations in CMC Able to make rational discourse (Ziegahn, 2001)

Technology in Practice for TL


Technology in Practice for TL (Contd)


Pedagogical Implications for Educators


Facilitate and support learning (Cranton, 1994) Build safe, open, and trusting environment for respectful, civilized dialogue (Taylor, 2000) Post questions to stimulate reflection on target topics and to model process (Ziegahn, 2001) Structure feedback to learning objectives (Boyer, Maher, & Kirkman, 2006)

Implications for Students


Be a part of a community of learners Responsible for constructing and creating the condition for transformative learning

Implications for Societies


Transformative Learning by Any Other Name . . .


DeBono Thinking skills training for mine workers in South Africa Average fights 210/month 4 month

Post-training grievances 7/day

4 month

Summary & Conclusions


Areas for further study: Kitchenham: applicability of TL in other disciplines. Taylor: is TL something to be encouraged? Personal and social negative consequences of perspective transformation. Is TL theory the most effective method of bringing about changes in the way people view their world?


Transformation Learning process uses prior interpretation to construct new meaning and guide action

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