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Lesson 2:The Place of Literature in

Child’s Life
The world of books offers children rich
opportunities for developing them into
better citizens and well-rounded
personalities who will be assisting to
their family and society.
Through books, they may be partly fulfil
their basic emotional needs an
indispensable for personality
• Literature fulfils a need in the classroom
which does not confine it to the
language arts alone. It touches on every
past of living and should be integral part
of school program. There a wealth of
good literature for every occasion that
the teacher can choose from.
•Children need literature in order
to enrich their own language.
•Children’s literature contributes
toward creative development.
The creative teaching of literature can contribute to creative development in many ways:

• 1.It can stimulate children to write for

• 2.It can help build a vocabulary that will help
child to express himself better.
• 3.It can help children build skills in
• 4.It can develop sensitivity to sight, sound,
life problem & people.
• Literature is entertainment along with radio, television,
movies and pictures, magazines, sometimes should be
reserved for reading.
• The best initiators and motivators for developing in children
the desire to read are the parents, the teachers, and the
• There are many techniques, activities devices which can be
used to develop children’s interest in literature.
• Children who through intimate, daily contacts with the best in
children’s literature- know that a good book is the best of
friends, today and forever.

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