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1. Identify the existing laws related to health
2. Explain the significance of the existing health related laws in safeguarding people’s health
3. Critically analyses the impact of current health trends, issues and concerns
4. Evaluate the effect of these laws on the health of the Filipinos

1. Demonstrate proper observance of the law and
VIRTUS (MAGANACA) 2. Recommend new health policies related to the upcoming
1. Suggest ways on how to participate in trends in today’s society
programs of the different laws 3. Participate in the programs for the different laws
2. Follow existing health-related laws implemented by our government
 Laws are important in
society to ensure order,
safety and fairness.
Health laws are
important to ensure the
population is healthy.
Knowledge of these
laws are will help you
contribute to enforcing
positive change in our
Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act of 2012

FAMILY – refers to the basic unit of society

PARENTHOOD - the state of being a parent and the responsibilities


RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD - as defined in the Directional Plan of

POPCOM, is the will and ability of parents to respond to the needs
and aspirations of the family .
 The government considers every Filipino family as the basic
autonomous social unit necessary to strengthen the country as
a whole. Sectors of the government should protect, maintain
and uplift the wellness of every Filipino.

 This act includes all necessary provisions needed to aid and

guide families, including rights of the youth and the unborn.

 The bill mandates the government to:


1. Promote all
effective, Natural Method Artificial Method
natural and
methods of •Contraceptive pills
family planning •Condoms
• Calendar •IUD
that are • Withdrawal •Contraceptive
medically safe • Basal Body Implants
and legal. temperature •Vasectomy
•Tubal ligation
•Cervical Cap

A condom is a sheath-shaped
barrier device used during sexual
intercourse to reduce the
probability of pregnancy or a
sexually transmitted infection.
IUD Intra Uterine Cervical Cap

Tubal Ligation
2. That the government shall ensure that all women needing care for post-abortion complications shall be
treated and counseled in a humane manner.

3. Calls for multi- dimensional approach a and integrates family planning and responsible parenthood into all
government anti-poverty programs.

4. Health and sexuality education is required from grade six to grade 10, using life skills and other approaches.

5. National and local government will ensure the availability of reproductive health care services such as
family planning and prenatal care.

6. Free choice regarding reproductive health to enable people, especially the poor.

7. Smaller families and wider pregnancy intervals resulting from the use of contraceptives allow families to
invest more in each child’s education.
Why do many people still smoke despite these warnings?
Watch a short presentation about the effects of smoking, and
share your thoughts about the presentation.

A law that will protect the

lives of everyone against
hazardous smoke. With the
hazardous tobacco smoke that
What is the Tobacco Regulation affects the health of so many
people, a law that promotes
Act of 2003 or RA 9211? healthy environment is very
crucial at this time.
SECTION 5. Smoking Ban in Public Places
What places are prohibited in the
smoking ban?

1. Centers of youth activity

2. Elevators and stairways
3. Locations in which fire hazards are present
4. Within the buildings and premises
5. Public conveyances like jeep, bus etc.
6. Food preparation areas
What are the warnings written in the package
of tobacco products?

1. “Government Warning: Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous

to your Health”
2. “Government Warning: Cigarettes are addictive”
3. “Government Warning: Tobacco Smoke can Harm your
4. “Government Warning: Smoking Kills”
Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002

 The alarming problem on drug abuse prompted the

government to take bold step in enacting RA 9165. There
are specific provisions in his law that concern dangerous
drug use and abuse.
 Some of this provisions are the following sections of
Article II
Unlawful Acts Penalties

Importation  Life imprisonment to death and a fine of P500,000.00 to

A. Dangerous Drugs
 Imprisonment of 12 to 20 years and a fine of P500,000.00
to P1,000,000.00
B. Controlled precursors and essential chemicals

Sale, Trading, Dispensation, administration,  Life imprisonment to death and a fine of P500,000.00 to
delivery, distribution and transportation P1,000,000.00

 Imprisonment of 12 to 20 years and a fine of P500,000.00

A. Dangerous Drugs to P1,000,000.00
B. Controlled precursors and essential chemicals

 Life imprisonment to death and a fine of P500,000.00 to

Manufacture P1,000,000.00
A. Dangerous Drugs
 Imprisonment of 12 to 20 years and a fine of P500,000.00
B. Controlled precursors and essential chemicals to P1,000,000.00
Possession of dangerous drugs  Life imprisonment to death and a fine of P500,000.00
to P1,000,000.00
10 grams or more of cocaine, 50 grams or more of shabu,
10 grams of ecstasy  Imprisonment of 12 to 20 years and a fine of
P500,000.00 to P1,000,000.00

If the quantity involved is less than the forgoing quantities

A. 10 grams or more but less than 50 grams  Life imprisonment and a fine ranging from P400,000.00
B. 5 grams or more but not less than 10 grams of either to 500,000.00
shabu, cocaine, ecstasy  Imprisonment of 20 years to life imprisonment and a
fine ranging from P400,000.00 to 500,000.00
C. Less than 5 grams
 Imprisonment of 12 to 20 years and fine ranging from
P300,000.00 to 400,000.00

Use of Dangerous drugs  First offense: 6 months in the governments

rehabilitation center
 Second offense: Imprisonments ranging from 6 to 2
years and a fine of P50,000.00 to 200,000.00
As an empowered champion student, you must be aware of the laws governing the issue
of drug abuse. If only everybody will follow the laws diligently we will surely have a drug
free society.

4. Republic Act 7394

Consumer Welfare And
Protection Act?
Organizations and Agencies that protect the
Consumer Protection interest and health of public
Product liability DOH
Privacy rights BFAD
Unfair business practices NEDA
Fraud CBP
Misinterpretation DA

 The full implementation of this law requires the complete awareness among
consumers. Every Filipino must be properly informed of his rights, as well as
his or her responsibilities as a consumer.
5. R.A. 8504 of 1998
Philippine AIDS Control Act
An act promulgating policies and prescribing measures from the prevention
and control of HIV?AIDS in the Philippines. It institutes a nationwide
HIV/AIDS monitoring system.

The government promotes public awareness about the causes, mode of

transmission, consequences, means of prevention, and control of HIV?AIDS
through a comprehensive, nationwide education and information campaign
organized and conducted by the state.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) the virus that causes AIDS

Sexually Transmitted Diseases - these are disease that maybe acquired or passed
through sexual contact

HIV Testing laboratory procedure done to an individual to determine the presence or

absence of HIV infection

Anonymous Testing is an HIV testing procedure where the individual being tested does
not reveal his identity

HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control - these are the measures aim in protecting non-
infected person from contacting HIV

HIV Transmission transfer of HIV from an infected person to an uninfected individual

through sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, sharing of needles and during
HIV/AIDS Education in Schools
The following shall integrate instruction on the causes and modes of
transmission and ways of preventing HIV/AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases in public and private schools

a. Department of Education
b. Commission on Higher Education
c. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
6. RA No. 8750
Seat Belt Use Act of 1999

“Are you familiar with this lines: when you drive don’t drink, when you drink don’t drive”

One of the major causes of death in our country is vehicular accident. The DOTC in coordination with the LTO
have plotted round 132,000 reported seatbelt violation in a year.
It is an act requiring the mandatory compliance by motorist of
public and private vehicles to use seat belt devices and
requires vehicle manufacturers to install seat belt devices in
all their manufactured vehicles.

This policy is mandated to secure and

safeguard passengers and drivers from the
injuries effects of vehicular accidents

Motorist is the driver of a motor vehicle

Seat belt device is any strap, webbing or similar device in the

form of pelvic restrain, chain or lap belt

Motor Vehicle is a public or private motor vehicle

Front seat passengers are persons on board that are seated at
the right side of the driver.
7. R A 10175
Cybercrime Prevention Act of

It is a law approved on September 12,

2012 that aims to address legal issues
connecting online interactions and the

1. Cybersquatting 4. Illegal access the day

2. Identity theft 5. Child pornography
3. Cybersex 6. Libel

It is the first law in the Philippines that criminalizes computer crime and has a provision for criminalizing
libel when committed using a computer system

Offenses considered criminal by the act:

Illegal Access (hacking)
Data interference
Device misuse
Cyber squatting
Computer fraud
Content related offenses, such as cybersex
The law reaffirms the existing law against child pornography.
The act has universal jurisdiction with its provision applying
to all Filipino nationals regardless of the place of
commission. It is mandated by the NBI and the PNP to
organize a cybercrime unit supervised by the Department
of Justice
8. R A 9512
National Environmental Awareness
and Education Act

Environmental Education brings to light

the habitat we belong to, the
challenges we face, and the solutions
we need to act on to save the blue
Earth we call home
5 Benefits of Environmental Education

• Develops sustainable lifestyle

• Encourages healthy lifestyle
• Inspires awe and teaches respect
• Promotes pro-activeness
• Encourages imagination and analytical thinking

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