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Corruption- Education Nexus:

Long Term Force of
Dr. Musarrat Jabeen (LEAD FELLOW)
International Relations,

Corruption-Education Nexus 1
Inspiring Thoughts

“Ideas and beliefs have a habit of operating before,

during and after great wars with a disconcerting
impetus and persistence which is beyond the
power of statesmen and peace makers to deflect
or modify by more than a very limited degree.”
David Thomson (1965), “Europe Since Napoleon” London, Penguin Books

“Our lives begin to end the day we

become silent about things that
Dr. Martin Luther

Corruption-Education Nexus 2
The research method
 The research method is organized on the
bases of contemplation.
 General equilibrium model of corruption
 Peripheral Scale

Corruption-Education Nexus 3
Peripheral Scale


Semi periphery
ppperpe Core
The encyclopedic and working definition used
by the World Bank, Transparency International
and others is that corruption is the abuse of
public power for private benefit (or profit).
Another widely used description is that
corruption is a transaction
between private and public sector actors
through which collective goods are illegitimately
converted into private-regarding payoffs
(Heidenheimer et al. 1989:6).

Corruption-Education Nexus 6
Corruption (Author’s own)

Corruption is unfair behavior because of one’s inherited

values, actions and inactions affecting the
capacity of other individuals, groups or nation state
systems; to have survival, peace, dignity, and
opportunity. Dr. Musarrat Jabeen: (Based on Qualitative
Survey of 1200 respondents in Pakistan and abroad,

Corruption-Education Nexus 7
Education (Author’s own)
Education[1] may be defined above and below
public sector with three words of formal, informal
and non-formal education; each human resource
may be considered as resource of education. In
corruption management sciences[2] specific
education is desirable in different relevancies.
[1] In ancient Greece, Socrates argued that education was about drawing out what
was already within the student.
[2] Management science may be denoted as; political management, economic
management, social management, intellectual management vis-à-vis contemporary

Corruption-Education Nexus 8
What is quality education?
Quality education manifests in the learner
and learning process to have the better vision
and value system in contact to human and
natural environments.

Corruption-Education Nexus 9
Specific Argument

Core-periphery of corruption

Catchments area of corruption (Space)


Long term forces of corruption (Time)

Poverty of acknowledgement Education practices

Corruption-Education Nexus 10

“Anti corruption mechanisms may prove more

effective, if the corruption perception is
induced through education practices.”

Corruption-Education Nexus 11
 Why corruption perception is central to remedy

 Which are the catchments area of corruption?

 Which are the long term forces of corruption?

 How the corruption can be calculated?

Corruption-Education Nexus 12
Generative approach
to remedy corruption

Concepts Narratives
 1. Suitability 1. To complex situation
2. To think
 2. Systematic
3. To preconceived notions
 3. Repulsive
4. To provide a course of
 4. Pragmatic action

Source: Self made

Corruption-Education Nexus 13
Corruption calculator
(time management specific)
1. Available legal mechanism
2. Existing Practices
3. The difference
4. Co-lateral impact

Corruption-Education Nexus 14
Corruption prevention via
Specific Education

 The two values

1. Caring for the earth

2. Caring for the humanity

Corruption-Education Nexus 15
Learning Statement

 Devaluation of corruption conciosness

 International dimensions of anti corruption
 "Absence of evidence is not evidence of

Corruption-Education Nexus 16
The way to look
(Questions are welcome)

Corruption-Education Nexus 17

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