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MS(CS) Thesis Presentation

Topic: Self Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection System

Presented By: Supervised By:

Muhammad Imran Dr. Ansar Munir Shah
MPCS-021R21P-07 Assistant Professor
MS(CS) 2021-2023
Discuss here
Motivation for Self Supervised Learning
Literature Review
Research Problem
Research Questions
Research Objectives
Proposed Method
Results and Conclusion
Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber
• The connected objects exchange data safely with each other over the

• Several Conventional have found it difficulties to identify possible

security gaps due to the huge network traffic.

• There are many challenges in developing adaptive and strong IDS for
Internet of Things (IoT).

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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• This research refers to a new intelligent Self-Supervised Learning-Based

Intelligence Web URL Attacks Detection Model for IoT Cyber Security.

• The key attention of this research is to design, build, and test Model
against a collection of familiar Web URL Attacks using Latest URL

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Motivation for Self Supervised Learning
Traditional NIDS
• Terrible detection rate of unknown attacks
• High false alarm rate
• High resource consumption
Deep Learning Algorithms/Supervised Learning
• Strong generalization ability
• No SQL database required
• Understand unstructured data
• Improve accuracy of intrusion detection
• No training is required

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Literature Review
Three distinct deep learning-based techniques are proposed in this paper to
identify phishing websites, including long short-term memory (LSTM) and
convolutional neural network (CNN) for comparison, and lastly an LSTM–CNN-
based approach. Experimental findings demonstrate the accuracy of the
suggested techniques, i.e., 97.2%, 97.6%, and 96.8% for CNN, LSTM–CNN, and
LSTM, respectively (Alshingiti et al., 2023).
In order to improve the accuracy of malicious URL recognition, this paper
proposes a model of a convolutional neural network based on a genetic
algorithm. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the model in
malicious URL classification is 93.99%, which achieves the expected
classification effect(Wu et al., 2022).

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Literature Review
Results show that the CTI (Cyber threat intelligence) based features significantly
improved the detection performance, achieving 96.80% compared with the
best 90.4% achieved by the URL-based features. The false-positive rate was
significantly decreased to 3.1% compared with 12% performed by the URL-
based model(Alsaedi et al., 2022).
The experimental results show that the proposed URL attributes and behavior
can help improve the ability to detect malicious URL significantly. By using
Random forest (RF 100) classifier model achieved the accuracy of 97.77%. In
this paper, additional small testing dataset, with 107 safe URLs and 118
malicious URLs (Xuan et al., 2020).
Both malicious and benign URLs of websites are gathered to form a dataset and
from them required URL and website content-based features are extracted.
This project aims to provide a better prediction for Malicious URL’s by using
Machine learning and Deep learning techniques(Amogh et al.,2022).
Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber
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Literature Review
This paper proposed malicious URL detection using multilayer Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN). The proposed model first considered one layer of CNN.
After that, to improve the accuracy, a two-layer of CNN will be used. The
achieved result illustrated that malicious website detection accuracy is
enhanced 89% to 91% when the model uses two layers of CNN(Singh, A.,

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Research Problems
• IoT nodes having security issues to detect web url attacks

• Various challenges in developing adjustable and strong IDS

• A few models that identify huge volume of unlabeled data traffic

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Research Questions
• RQ1: Which feature extraction method is suited for our purposed
Answer: SelectKBest for features extraction method
• RQ2: Which classifier is better improving the accuracy of malicious URL
attack for IDS?
Answer: MinMax Scaler for classification of malicious URLs
RQ3: How are the purposed model results validates and verifies?
Answer: Validation mean comparison results for accuracy
And verification mean comparison of more then two results to ensure its

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Research Objectives

• Keeps your IoT systems safe

To overcome the malicious web URL traffic issues

To Increase the security on IoT cyber security

• To ensure that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and

systems is preserved
• Enhancement of analytical parameters(Accuracy)

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Proposed contribution
• The critical contributions: Self-Supervised Learning, SelectKBest method,
MinMax scaler, CNN model, and Transfer Learning

• Self-supervised method in the area of IDS for IOT cyber security

• Self-supervised transfer learning with CNN model

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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• Latest malicious URL IoT Datasets for testing the model

• Introduced self-supervised SelectKBest method for data transformation

and MinMax Scaler for features engineering

• URL clustering (Phishing and benign)

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

Model Implementation
Malicious URL Detection Model

Malicious URLs

Data Preprocessing

Data Cleaning MinMax Scalar SelectKBest

Deep Learning CNN Model with Transfer Learning

Phishing Benign

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Proposed Method
Transfer Learning
• TL applied on datasets for clustering the data

• The self-supervised transfer learning in CNN model is introduced with

supervised web URL mechanism for upgrade the performance of model

• To improve the model's reliability and strength

• The process of transforming malicious URLs to create new ones, for

testing deep learning models

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Comparison Results of Traditional Deep Learning Models

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Comparison Results

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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[1] Alshingiti, Z., Alaqel, R., Al-Muhtadi, J., Haq, Q. E. U., Saleem, K., & Faheem,
M. H. (2023).A Deep Learning-Based Phishing Detection System Using CNN,
LSTM, and LSTM-CNN.Electronics, 12(1), 232.
[2] Rastogi, P., Singh, E., Malik, V., Gupta, A., &Vijh, S. (2022,
January).Detection of Malicious Cyber Fraud using Machine Learning
Techniques.In 2022 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data
Science & Engineering (Confluence) (pp. 520-524).IEEE.
[3] Roy, S. S., Awad, A. I., Amare, L. A., Erkihun, M. T., & Anas, M. (2022).
Multimodel Phishing URL Detection Using LSTM, Bidirectional LSTM, and GRU
Models. Future Internet, 14(11), 340.
[4] Wu, T., Xi, Y., Wang, M., & Zhao, Z. (2022). Classification of Malicious URLs
by CNN Model Based on Genetic Algorithm. Applied Sciences, 12(23), 12030.

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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[5] Alsaedi, M., Ghaleb, F. A., Saeed, F., Ahmad, J., &Alasli, M. (2022).Cyber
threat intelligence-based malicious URL detection model using ensemble
learning. Sensors, 22(9), 3373.
[6] Do Xuan, C., Nguyen, H. D., & Tisenko, V. N. (2020). Malicious URL
detection based on machine learning. International Journal of Advanced
Computer Science and Applications, 11(1).
[7] Singh, A., & Roy, P. K. (2021, September).Malicious URL detection using
multilayer CNN. In 2021 International Conference on Innovation and
Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT) (pp. 340-

Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber

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Self-Supervised Based Intelligence Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Cyber
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