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Department Of Computer Science

Software Requirement Specification


Dr. Tehseen Riaz Abbasi

• Mariyam Shehzad
• SP21-BDS-011
Department Of Computer Science
• Marwa Kiani
• SP21-BDS-012

Submission Date: Friday-24-2023

Project Category

Based on your project type, write the appropriate Category / Categories of your project.
A. Web Application/Web Application based Information System
B. Problem Solving and Artificial Intelligence
C. Modeling
D. Smartphone Application
E. Machine Learning
F. Artificial Intelligence

The AI-powered Freelance Assistant's Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a detailed document that describes
the architecture of the system. In order to improve freelancer productivity on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, it
identifies functional requirements including AI-driven project suggestion algorithms and automated development of gig
descriptions and project proposals. To guarantee a solid and user-friendly experience, the non-functional requirements—
such as system stability, performance efficiency, and user interface design—are also carefully described. The
development, implementation, and maintenance of the system are supported by this document, which acts as a crucial
manual for developers and other stakeholders. The system places a strong emphasis on unique email-based user
registration requirements and accessibility via online platforms, which align with its goal of providing safe and
customised user experiences. The SRS is the cornerstone of the freelancer, with the goal of revolutionising the
freelancing industry.
Tools and Technologies

• The AI-Powered Freelance Assistant is intended to increase independent freelancers' output on

gig marketplaces such as Upwork and Fiverr. Its primary goal is to automate processes such as
writing project proposals and describing gigs. Intelligent project matching, proposal support, and
AI-driven content creation for customized gig descriptions are some of the key features. This
system aims to reduce time and enhance success rates for freelancers, making their job more
efficient and successful.

• Module 1: User Authentication

• Module 2: Specific Profile Customization
• Module 3: Content Generation Engine
• Module 4: Security and Privacy
• Module 5: Integration with Freelance Platforms
• Module 6: User Analytics and Feedback Module
• Module 7: Chatbot for Instant Support
• Module 8: Performance Analytics
Block Diagram of APFA

Block Diagram –AI Powered Freelance Assistance.

Requirement Elicitation Techniques

Brainstorming sessions were conducted to gather requirements. It allowed for multiple perspectives to be considered simultaneously,
generating a wide range of ideas and insights. Collaborative brainstorming facilitated the identification of diverse requirements and needs.

Interviews were conducted with stakeholders involved in the project. These interviews aimed to understand the specific needs and expectations
of each stakeholder, ensuring that their requirements were accurately captured.

Questionnaires were distributed to the public to gauge general expectations from the AI freelance assistance platform. Online distribution
allowed for a broader reach, collecting feedback and requirements from a diverse user base.

Business Surveys:
Business surveys were conducted using online survey tools such as "survey monkey" to gather input from major freelance interview firms.
This approach provided insights into the specific requirements and needs of companies involved in the freelance industry, helping to tailor the
platform to their demands.

Creating prototypes of certain aspects of the APFA system can help stakeholders visualize the intended features and functionalities. This technique
facilitates better communication and ensures that the final system aligns with stakeholders' expectations.
Use Case Diagram for Admin and Freelancer
Use Case Diagram for User

Use Case Diagram for System Administrator

Module-1: User Authentication

Use Case ID: M1-UC1.1

Use Case Name: User Registration

Actors: Actor: Admin Freelancer

Description: Admin Freelancer will sign into the system to use the basic functionalities of the
Software and keep check and balance of the log of APFA software and to resume work
from the last session.
Trigger: Pressing the button “Sign in” .

Level: High

Preconditions: PRE-1. Freelancers have a unique usernames and passwords for signing in.
PRE-2. Freelancer is registered into APFA software.

Postconditions: POST-1. A complete dashboard will appear after user signs in giving access to
Freelancer to access basic functionalities if needed.
Normal Flow: Admin will open the APFA software and select
1 Sign In
1.1 Freelancer will Enter his/her Email/Username.
1.2. Freelancer will Enter his/her password.

Freelancer after performing all these FR’s and software after verifying the user
credentials, user will be signed into the software.

Alternative Flows: NA

Exceptions: 1. If the Email/Username entered is incorrect in step 1.1, a warning appears, prompting
the user to enter a valid Email/Username. Then, proceed to step 1.2.
2. If the password entered in step 1.2 does not match the Email/Username, a warning
appears, requiring the user to re-enter the password. Proceed to the submit button.
Business Rules NA

Assumptions: A single Freelancer will be logged in for at least an hour a day.

Module-2: Specific Profile Customization
Use Case ID: M2-UC2.1

Use Case Name: Skills and Expertise Identifier

Actors: Actor: Freelancer

Description: Freelancer utilizes the Skills and Expertise Identifier to identify and
add relevant skills and expertise to their profile for customization.
Trigger: Initiating the process of adding or updating skills in the freelancer's
Level: Medium

Preconditions: PRE-1. Freelancer is logged into the APFA application.

Postconditions: POST-1. Freelancer's profile is updated with the identified skills and
Normal Flow: 1. Freelancer navigates to the profile customization section within the
APFA application.
2. Freelancer selects the option for "Skills and Expertise Identifier."
3. APFA prompts the freelancer to enter keywords or select categories
related to their skills.
4. APFA utilizes AI algorithms to suggest relevant skills and expertise
based on the entered keywords or selected categories.
5. Freelancer reviews and confirms the suggested skills to be added to
their profile.
6. APFA updates the freelancer's profile with the identified skills and

Alternative Flows: NA

Exceptions: NA

Business Rules NA

Assumptions: The freelancer actively participates in selecting and confirming the

identified skills for their profile customization.
Module 3: Content Generation Engine
Use Case ID: M3-UC3.1

Use Case Name: Gig Descriptor

Actors: Actor: Freelancer

Description: Freelancer generates a gig description using the AI-powered Gig Descriptor
within the APFA.
Trigger: Initiating the process of creating or updating a gig description.

Level: Medium

Preconditions: PRE-1. Freelancer is logged into the AI Powered Freelancer Assistant

Postconditions: POST-1. Gig description is generated or updated.

Normal Flow: 1. Freelancer navigates to the Content Generation Engine section within the AI
Powered Freelancer Assistant application.
2. Freelancer selects the option for "Gig Descriptor."
3. APFA prompts the freelancer to provide essential details about the gig, such as
project type, scope, and key requirements.
4. APFA utilizes AI algorithms to generate a gig description based on the
provided details.
5. Freelancer reviews and customizes the generated gig description.
6. Freelancer confirms and saves the gig description.
7. APFA updates the freelancer's profile with the new or modified gig

Alternative Flows: NA

Exceptions: NA

Business Rules NA

Assumptions: The freelancer actively participates in providing essential details and

customizing the generated gig description.
Module 4: Security and Privacy
Use Case ID: M4-UC4.1

Use Case Name: Data Encryption

Actors: Freelancer

Description: Data encryption ensures that sensitive user data is securely stored and
transmitted to protect user privacy. Encryption algorithms are used to encode

Trigger: User selects the "Encrypt Data" option.

Level: High

Preconditions: Sensitive data identified for encryption.

Postconditions: Data is securely encrypted.

Normal Flow: 1. Select data to encrypt.

2. Apply encryption algorithm.
Alternative Flows: NA

Exceptions: 1. Encryption algorithm failure.

Business Rules NA

Assumptions: Users have access to data encryption tools.

Module 5: Integration with Freelance Platforms

Use Case ID: M5-UC5.1

Use Case Name: Content Publishing

Actors: Freelancer

Description: Allows users to publish content directly to freelance platforms.

Trigger: User selects the "Publish Content" option.

Level: Medium

Preconditions: User has created content and is logged into the freelance platform.

Postconditions: Content is published on the selected platform.

Normal Flow: User will open the AFPA software and select
1. User selects content for publishing.
2. User chooses target freelance platform.
3. System publishes content to the selected platform.

Alternative Flows: NA

Exceptions: Publishing errors due to platform incompatibility.

Business Rules NA

Assumptions: The user has the necessary credentials for the freelance platform.

Module 6: User Analytics and Feedback Module

Use Case ID: M6-UC6.1

Use Case Name: User Behavior Tracking

Actors: Freelancers

Description: Tracks and analyzes user interactions and behavior within the system for insights.

Trigger: User activity within the system.

Level: High

Preconditions: User consent for tracking; tracking tools enabled.

Postconditions: Behavioral data collected and stored.

Normal Flow: User will open the AFPA software and select
1. User interacts with the system.
2. Tracking tools capture user activities.
3. Data is analyzed for user behavior insights.

Alternative Flows: NA

Exceptions: Users opt-out of tracking; technical issues in data collection.

Business Rules NA

Assumptions: Users are informed and agree to behavior tracking.

Module 7: Chatbot for Instant Support

Use Case ID M7-UC7.1

Use Case Name Proposal Success Rate

Module Performance Analytics

Actors Actor: Freelancer

Description Freelancer analyzes and tracks the success rate of their submitted proposals
through the Performance Analytics module within the AI Powered
Freelancer Assistant.
Trigger Initiating the request to view proposal success rate metrics through the
Performance Analytics module.
Level Medium

Preconditions PRE-1. Freelancer is logged into the AI Powered Freelancer Assistant

Postconditions POST-1. Freelancer views proposal success rate metrics and relevant data.

Normal Flow 1. Freelancer navigates to the Performance Analytics section within the AI
Powered Freelancer Assistant application.
2. Freelancer selects the option for "Proposal Success Rate."
3. APFA presents a summary of the freelancer's submitted proposals,
including successful and unsuccessful ones.
4. Freelancer reviews the success rate percentage and any additional
metrics, such as client feedback or project completion rates.
5. Freelancer assesses the effectiveness of their proposal strategies based on
the provided data.
Alternative Flows NA

Exceptions 1. If no proposal data is available, APFA notifies the freelancer that there is
no data to display.
Business Rules NA

Assumptions The Performance Analytics module accurately captures and analyzes data
related to submitted proposals for the freelancer.
Module 8: Performance Analytics

Use Case ID M8-UC8.1

Use Case Name Gig Performance Tracking
Module Performance Analytics
Actors Actor: Freelancer
Description Freelancer tracks the performance of their completed gigs through the
Performance Analytics module within the AI Powered Freelancer Assistant.
Trigger Initiating the request to view gig performance metrics through the
Performance Analytics module.
Level Medium
Preconditions PRE-1. Freelancer is logged into the AI Powered Freelancer Assistant
PRE-2. Freelancer has completed one or more gigs.
Postconditions POST-1. Freelancer views performance metrics related to the selected gig.
Normal Flow 1. Freelancer navigates to the Performance Analytics section within the AI
Powered Freelancer Assistant application.
2. Freelancer selects the option for "Gig Performance Tracking."
3. APFA presents a list of completed gigs for the freelancer to choose from.
4. Freelancer selects a specific completed gig for performance tracking.
5. APFA displays performance metrics such as client satisfaction ratings,
project completion time, and any relevant feedback.
6. Freelancer reviews the performance metrics to assess the success and
quality of the completed gig.
Alternative Flows NA
Exceptions 1. If no completed gigs are available, APFA notifies the freelancer that there
is no performance data to display.
Business Rules NA
Assumptions The Performance Analytics module collects and maintains accurate data on
completed gigs for analysis.
Exceptions NA
Business Rules NA
Assumptions The AI-Powered Freelance Assistant has an active and engaged user
community, and the Chatbot facilitates seamless communication and
information sharing within this community.
Non-Functional Requirement

5.1 Reliability
• NFR-5.1.1: The AI-assisted freelancer platform will achieve a Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of at least 5,000
operational hours.
• NFR-5.1.2(Consequences of Failure): In the event of a software failure, the system will automatically log the incident
details for analysis and alert the technical support team.
• NFR-5.1.3(Protection Strategy): Regular backups of user data and system configurations to minimize data loss and
• NFR-5.1.4(Error Detection): The platform will incorporate real-time monitoring and alerting mechanisms for early
error detection.
• NFR-5.1.1(Correction Strategy): Implementation of a rapid response team to address and resolve detected issues within
4 hours of occurrence.
Non-Functional Requirement

5.2 Usability
 NFR-5.2.1 (Ease of Learning): New users will be able to familiarize themselves with the primary functions of the
platform within 1 hour of use.
 NFR-5.2.2 (Ease of Use): Critical functionalities, like project submission or bid placement, will be accessible
within no more than 3 user interactions from the platform's homepage.
 NFR-5.2.3 (Error Recovery): The platform will provide clear, user-friendly error messages and guidance for
recovery from incorrect actions.
 NFR-5.2.4 (Efficiency of Interactions): Key user workflows will be optimized to be completed in the least
number of steps possible, not exceeding 5 steps for common tasks.
 NFR-5.2.5 (Accessibility): The platform will comply with WCAG 2.1 AA standards to ensure accessibility for
users with disabilities.

Non-Functional Requirement

5.3 Performance
 NFR-5.3.1: At least 95% of all user-initiated transactions on the AI-assisted freelancer platform will be processed
within 2 seconds under normal operational conditions.
 NFR-5.3.2: The platform will support concurrent usage by up to 1,000 users without significant performance
 NFR-5.3.3: Data-intensive operations, like report generation or data export, shall complete within 60 seconds for
standard datasets.

User Interfaces
User Interfaces

User Interfaces

User Interfaces

User Interfaces

Gantt Chart

An innovative way to improve and expedite the freelance experience is presented by the AI
Powered Freelancer project. The technology solves time-consuming problems by utilizing
cutting-edge artificial intelligence, giving freelancers automated, customized gig descriptions
and project proposals. This project aims to redefine success for freelancers on platforms like
Fiverr and Upwork by providing a transformative and competitive edge in the dynamic online
freelance marketplace. It does this by offering a user-friendly interface, adaptability, and
mechanisms for continuous improvement.
Questions and Answers

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