Yogurt From CHICKPEA Extract Milk Flavor by Tanners Cassia Flower

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Floral Fusion :

Exploring therapeutic flavors of Avaram poo infused
Yogurt for Enhanced Gut Health

Indulge in the unique flavors of yogurt crafted from CHICKPEA

extract with a delicate milk flavor infused by Tanner's cassia flower.
Experience the essence of natural ingredients in every spoonful.

Overview of the production process

1 Sourcing and Extracting Chickpea Milk

The first step involves sourcing fresh chickpeas and extracting their milk through a
meticulous process of soaking, grinding, and straining.

2 Introduction of Tanner's Cassia Flower

Next, the unique Tanner's cassia flower is introduced to infuse the extracted chickpea
milk with its distinctive flavor and aroma.

3 Fermentation and Culturing of the Yogurt

Then, the infused chickpea milk undergoes fermentation and culturing to create the
creamy and nutritious yogurt product.
Step 1: Sourcing and extracting chickpea
Sourcing Chickpeas Extracting Milk
Finding high-quality chickpeas from Utilizing advanced methods to extract rich,
sustainable sources. creamy chickpea milk.

Quality Control
Ensuring the purity and freshness of the extracted chickpea milk through rigorous testing.
Step 2: Introduction of Tanner's cassia flower

Tanner's cassia flower is a vibrant yellow flower with

a delicate, sweet fragrance.

It is known for its unique floral notes and is

traditionally used in culinary practices.

The flower adds a subtle and elegant touch to the

flavor profile of the yogurt.
Tanner's cassia Powder Extraction Process
• Harvesting: Tanner's cassia leaves, flowers, or pods can be harvested for extraction. The flowers are typically the part used for
flavouring purposes.

• Cleaning and Drying: Once harvested, the plant material needs to be cleaned to remove any dirt or debris. After cleaning, it's
important to dry the material thoroughly to reduce moisture content. This can be done naturally by air-drying or using low-
temperature drying methods to preserve the bioactive compounds.

• Grinding: The dried Tanner's cassia material is then ground into a fine powder. This can be achieved using a grinder or mill
suitable for herbal materials. The finer the powder, the better it will blend and infuse into your food product.

• Sieving: After grinding, the powder may be sieved to ensure uniform particle size and to remove any coarse particles or
impurities. This step helps in achieving a smooth texture and consistent flavour in the final product.

• Packaging: Once the powder is ready, it should be stored in airtight containers to maintain its freshness and prevent moisture
absorption. Proper labelling with production date and expiration date is essential for quality control. .
Step 3: Fermentation and culturing of the
1 Culturing Process
The chickpea milk undergoes a carefully monitored fermentation process to develop the desired
texture and tanginess of the yogurt.

2 Probiotics Development
During the culturing phase, beneficial bacteria are introduced, promoting the development of
probiotics known for their health benefits.

3 Duration and Monitoring

The fermentation stage is closely monitored for the optimal duration to achieve the perfect balance
of flavor and consistency.
Step 4: Flavoring the yogurt with Tanner's
cassia flower
The Tanner's cassia flower, with its delicate aroma, is
carefully infused into the yogurt, enriching it with a
subtle floral essence.

This meticulous process ensures that the yogurt

embraces the fragrance of the flower while
maintaining its creamy texture.
Ingredient Ratio
Step 5: Packaging and branding
1 Designing the Packaging
Collaborate with packaging experts to create a unique and visually appealing yogurt

2 Branding Strategy
Develop a branding concept that reflects the natural and premium qualities of the

3 Market Positioning
Define the target market and position the yogurt to stand out in the dairy products
Benefits of the product
• Rich in protein: The yogurt from CHICKPEA extract milk is a high-protein alternative, perfect for a
healthy diet.
• Plant-based goodness: Made from chickpea milk, it's a dairy-free option for vegans and lactose-intolerant
• Unique flavor profile: Tanner's cassia flower adds a delicate floral note, setting it apart from traditional
Market potential and target audience
Health-Conscious Vegan and Plant-Based Ambitious Food
Consumers Communities Innovators

Yogurt from chickpea extract This product targets the vegan Entrepreneurs and chefs looking
milk flavor by Tanner's cassia and plant-based communities, to experiment with unique
flower appeals to health- providing a delicious and ingredients and flavors will be
conscious individuals seeking sustainable yogurt option made drawn to this innovative yogurt
dairy-free alternatives. from chickpea extract. product.

It offers a nutrient-packed option It aligns with the values of It offers potential for culinary
with plant-based protein and individuals seeking cruelty-free creativity and differentiation in
probiotics, catering to the and environmentally friendly the competitive market.
growing demand for functional food choices.
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Conclusion and Call to
As we conclude, we invite you to join us in the journey of savoring the unique
and healthy yogurt from CHICKPEA extract milk flavored by Tanner's cassia
flower. Together, let's embrace the goodness of nature and indulge in the
delightful flavors it has to offer.

Experience the wholesome benefits and exquisite taste, and make Tanner's cassia
flower yogurt a delightful part of your daily life.

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