MBALS - Post-Residency Reflective Assignment.14.9.15

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Post-residential reflective


‘What approaches to leadership enable

organisations to address issues of purpose
and sustainability? Draw from theory, your
personal experience and published case
studies to develop your argument.’
Hand In

Monday 2nd November 2015

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Performing Well

Most POOR assignments are due to

– Not doing the work
– Not answering the question (or
answering the question you WISH you’d
been asked!)
– Not covering all aspects of the question
– Not including THEORY (and referencing
the theory and examples properly)
What’s the Question?

‘What approaches to leadership enable

organisations to address issues of purpose
and sustainability? Draw from theory, your
personal experience and published case
studies to develop your argument.’
70% and above 60% - 69% 50% - 59% 40% - 49% 0% - 39%
Criteria and Weighting
(Distinction) (Merit) (Pass) (Fail) (Significant Fail)
Adequate exploration of
Excellent exploration of Good exploration of Very weak or missing
knowledge and theory Poor exploration of
knowledge and theory knowledge and theory exploration of
relevant to the knowledge and theory
relevant to the relevant to the knowledge and theory
assignment. Analysis and relevant to the
Analysis of concepts (10%) assignment. Analysis and assignment. Analysis and relevant to the
evaluation of concepts assignment. Analysis and
evaluation of concepts evaluation of concepts assignment. Analysis and
lacks criticality and evaluation of concepts
are critical and are critical and fairly evaluation of concepts
insight. are inadequate.
insightful. insightful. are non-existent.

Excellent synthesis and Good synthesis and Adequate synthesis and

Weak synthesis and Very poor synthesis and
application of relevant application of relevant application of relevant
application of relevant application of relevant
theory to the theory to the theory to the
theory to the theory to the
Application of theory to requirements of the post requirements of the post requirements of the post
requirements of the post requirements of the post
post residency assignment residency assignment. residency assignment. residency assignment.
residency assignment. residency assignment.
(15%) The analysis is critical, The analysis is critical, The analysis is
The analysis is weak and The analysis is
extensive, insightful and insightful and well appropriate and
vague. inadequate and vague.
accurately referenced. referenced. relevant.

Excellent reflective piece Good reflective piece of Fair reflective piece of Poor reflective piece of
Reflection from residency Very weak reflective
of work. The learning work. The learning work. The learning work. The learning
week; application of the piece of work. The
outcomes from the outcomes from the outcomes from the outcomes from the
experiential learning within learning outcomes from
residency week are residency week are residency week are in residency week are
the assignment the residency week are
critically applied to the critically applied to the part applied to the vague and unclear in the
(15%) unclear.
assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment.
Fairly well written and
Well written, well-
Excellent piece of structured, some Poorly written and
structured, coherent Very weak piece of
writing, well-structured, coherence, some structured, incoherent
progression of argument writing. Incoherent and
Format and Presentation; coherent progression of inaccuracies in and inaccurately
reasonably articulated poorly articulated.
coherence, expression and argument, well- referencing and minor referenced.
and accurately Inaccurately referenced.
accuracy of references. articulated and issues with expression. Lacks appropriate
referenced. Lacks introduction and
(10%) accurately referenced. Appropriate introduction and
Good introduction and conclusion.
Excellent introduction introduction and conclusion.
and conclusion. conclusion.
Criteria and Weighting 70% and above (Distinction)
Excellent exploration of knowledge and theory
Analysis of concepts (10%) relevant to the assignment. Analysis and evaluation of
concepts are critical and insightful.
Excellent synthesis and application of relevant theory
Application of theory to post to the requirements of the post residency assignment.
residency assignment (15%) The analysis is critical, extensive, insightful and
accurately referenced.
Reflection from residency
week; application of the Excellent reflective piece of work. The learning
experiential learning within outcomes from the residency week are critically
the assignment applied to the assignment.

Format and Presentation; Excellent piece of writing, well-structured, coherent

coherence, expression and progression of argument, well-articulated and
accuracy of references. (10%) accurately referenced.
Excellent introduction and conclusion.

• Introduction: preview your work

• Definitions/ concepts: leadership,
purpose, sustainability
• Published case studies /
• Reflection from the Residency week
• Conclusion
• References

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