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By: Nabiha, Sarah, Ruwaidah, Fayeza 9H
Significance of Black in the UAE Flag
On December 2, 1971, the United Arab Emirates flag was presented. The
United Arab Emirates flag is a sign of national pride for the citizens of the
UAE. It represents the country's strength and togetherness, and its colors
and design are steeped in history and significance.

The colour black represents power and strength; it is also the color of
solidarity and mental strength and it reflects the oil wealth that transformed
the UAE specifically crude oil which is black in color so it's often called
‘Black Gold’.
➔ Resilience is the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from

➔ Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) had demonstrated resilience

by maintaining the nation's economy throughout the coronavirus
pandemic due of their dedication to maintaining business continuity
despite the challenges caused by the pandemic and its effects on the
industry, employees working at the Ruwais facility and ADNOC made
extraordinary efforts to assure an uninterrupted supply of oil and gas to
support the nation's economy.
Crude Oil
● How the discovery of oil changed the UAE?
The UAE economy was mostly dependent on trading, fishing, and pearl diving
before the discovery of oil on UAE land. Back then, palm tree branches were used
to build roofs, and tents were held up by tree trunks. The discovery of oil boosted
the UAE's economic growth.

The UAE has developed into a country with one of the highest living standards in
the world over the past 25 years. The UAE today has modern international airports
and seaports, as well as excellent roadways. The growth of the country's oil
business has also attracted investment activity aimed at the development of
agriculture and many other diverse industries.
● What would happen if the UAE runs out of this
Without oil, the UAE would face a financial disaster. Millions of people would
lose their jobs as a result of the industry's devastating hit. The UAE will also
suffer due to its dependency on foreign labor. This means that if there is a
recession, all workers would return to their home nations.

When you consider that we rely on the resource for almost every element of
our daily lives (food production, transportation, electricity, clothing,
healthcare, technology), it is impossible to imagine a future without it.

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