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Role of whistle blowing

Whistle blowing is a tool that is resorted to by an executive or a

worker when convinced that when an unethical practice is being
used at a workplace and brings it to the knowledge of the
auditors or the ceo as the situation may require. with a view to
get it rectified for the overall good of the organization.
The dilemma
Is it moral to bite the hand that feeds.
Loyalty to the God almighty, overall society or people at
large not to the individual or an institution should be
the guiding principle
When it is permitted

when listening to the inner voice ,the motives are

When all the existing procedures for the correction
have failed .
When the employee has reached the last stage of the
kohlberg’s six stages of moral education
Whistle blowing is a prelude to corporate reform. It is called
for moral behaviour because of the following reasons :-
the belief that the corporations exist for the sole purpose of
profiteering is absurd.
Society gives all the infrastructure expecting returns
Corporations exist so long as there is shared property
Case study.
Whistle blower policy
Every company’s whistle blower policy should allow any
person to approach the audit committee without necessarily
informing his supervisors. The policy has to be
communicated to the employees and the whistle blowers
should be protected from the unfair treatment or
Salient Features

 The Act seeks to protect whistle blowers, i.e. persons making a

public interest disclosure related to an act of corruption, misuse
of power, or criminal offense by a public servant.
 Any public servant or any other person including a non-
governmental organization may make such a disclosure to the
Central or State Vigilance Commission.
 Every complaint has to include the identity of the complainant.
 The Vigilance Commission shall not disclose the identity of the
complainant except to the head of the department if he deems it
necessary. The Act penalizes any person who has disclosed the
identity of the complainant.
 The Act prescribes penalties for knowingly making false
Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011
Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011 is an Act of the
Parliament of India which provides a mechanism to investigate
alleged corruption and misuse of power by public servants and
also protect anyone who exposes alleged wrongdoing in
government bodies, projects and offices. The wrongdoing might
take the form of fraud, corruption or mismanagement. The Act
will also ensure punishment for false or frivolous complaints.
The Act was approved by the Cabinet of India as part of a drive
to eliminate corruption in the country's bureaucracy and passed
by the Lok Sabha on 27 December 2011.The Bill was passed
by Rajya Sabha on 21 February 2014 and received
the President's assent on 9 May 2014.

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