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Definition of Physical
Physical indicates connected with,
pertaining to, the animal or human
body as a material organism: physical
strength, exercise. Bodily means
belonging to, concerned with, the
human body as distinct from the mind
or spirit: bodily pain or suffering..
Definition of Social
"Social" pertains to interactions,
relationships, or activities involving
people or groups within a community
or society. It encompasses various
aspects of human behavior,
communication, and organization
within a social context..
Definition of Emotional

When you're emotional, you're feeling

lots of feelings, or emotions: happy,
sad, afraid, lonely, mad. An emotional
speech makes you stand up and cheer.
An emotional movie tugs on your
Spritual Definition of Spiritual

"Spiritual" refers to matters related to

the human spirit or soul, often
involving a deep sense of purpose,
connection to a higher power, or a
search for meaning and transcendence
beyond the material world. It can
encompass religious beliefs, personal
growth, meditation, and other
practices that seek to explore and
nurture the inner self
Definition of Mental
"Mental" is an adjective that relates to
the mind or intellect. It pertains to
aspects of the human mind, cognition,
and emotional well-being. It can be
used in various contexts, such as
mental health (referring to the
psychological and emotional state of a
person), mental processes (activities
of the mind, like thinking and
reasoning), or mental abilities
(capabilities related to intellectual

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