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I am Elena and today I will share with you a short information about St. George.

Information is from:

In this information
you gonna now about
 Saint gorge
 His fhater and mother
 Who was hi
 When does we selebrate his day

Saint George was born

around 275 (in the
second half of the 3rd
century) and died in
303 on April 23.

Giorgi was the son of a noble family. His father's

name was Gerontios, and his mother's name was
Polykhronia. His father was a deep believer and
also ended his penance. After his father's death,
hid mother grew up him, his mother taught Saint.
Giorgi divine books and true faith.
In the Orthodox
Church, the day of his
commemoration is
April 23 and
November 23.

Saint George was a Christian saint.

A Cappadocian nobleman, a
Fot uor
servant of the Roman Empire, who
senter pupil
was tortured under the Roman
are going to
Emperor Diocletian. Currently, he
the churches
is the patron saint of several
and pray for
countries, including England,
Ethiopia, Georgia and the city of
Thankyou for your ettenshion!

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