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PDCA 0845603

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What is PDCA
PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act
It is a Iterative four stage model for continuous improvement (CI)
It helps and teaches organizations to
PLAN an action
DO it
ACT on it
PDCA Cycle
The PDCA Cycle is a four-step model for problem solving and continuous

Provides a simple and structured way for solving problems and creating positive
Where can PDCA used?
The PDCA cycle can be applied in most kinds of projects and improvement activities

When trying to implement a new When Planning to improve the skill

When planning to change the safety program within a facility level of employees in an
supplier of a product or service organization
Where can PDCA used?
The PDCA cycle can be applied in most kinds of projects and improvement activities

When your marketing effort is not When Planning to increase the When an online business is not
generating the desired results you quality of care and patient producing good results and
are looking for engagement in a hospital customers are not converting
PDCA - Overview
Four Phases of PDCA
PLAN – Identify the problem/opportunity
DO – Test potential solutions
CHECK – Study the results and feedback
ACT – Implement the best solution
The PDCA cycle begins with a Planning phase where the problem and objectives are
In this Phase, the team agrees on the problem to be solved or the process to be
We need to analyze the current situation, Identify solution alternatives, and select and
schedule the most suitable solution
I. Analyze current condition
II. Identify exactly what the problem is
III. Map the process
IV. Establish the objective
The selected solution is then tested on a small-scale basis in the DO phase
It is important to ensure that the selected solution is appropriately implemented
before committing to full implementation

This phase also involves measuring the progress and collecting data and feedback
for later analysis
I. Implement the plan
II. Generate possible solution
III. Execute the process
IV. Make the product
V. Collect data for charting and analysis
PDCA (Check)
Check involves analyzing the collected data and feedback, and comparing the
outcome against the planned objectives
It allows to evaluate how well the solution has worked and whether further
improvement is needed
It is also concerned with identifying the unexpected issues and gathering and
summarizing the key learning
I. Study the actual results (measured & collected in DO)
II. Compare
III. Against the expected results
NOTE: You may need to repeat the DO and CHECK several times until you achieve
desired results. Sometimes you need to return to Planning phase
ACT phase is Standardization. When goals are met the
entire design & teaching will serve as a reference to other
Take action based on what you learned in the study step
Two possibilities
I. If the change did not work, go
through the cycle again with a
different plan
II. If you succeed then standardize
When To Use PDCA ?

1. As a model for continuous improvement

2. When starting a new improvement project
3. When developing a new or improved design of a process, product or service.
4. Exploring a range of possible new solutions to problem
When To Use PDCA ?

1. When defining a repetitive work process

2. When planning data collection and analysis in order to verify and prioritize
problems or root causes.
3. When implementing any changes
4. Avoiding the large scale waste resources that comes with full scale
implementation of poor solution.
The use of the PDCA cycle doesn’t necessarily stop once the ACT phase is completed

The improved process may become the new baseline, and you should start again at
the PLAN phase
Multiple iteration of the PDCA cycle could be necessary to solve the problem
permanently and reach the ultimate future state

Each cycle will bring you closer to your goals and will extend your knowledge further
The PDCA cycle can be repeatedly applied in a process of continuous improvement
where there is no end to it
How to Implement a PDCA cycle
With your team, Identify and understand the problem

Brainstorm and screen solution ideas

Develop an implementation plan

How to Implement a PDCA cycle
Put the implementation plan into practice

Run the sample solution

Gather data and measure performance outcomes

How to Implement a PDCA cycle
Review the obtained results and collected data

Analyze and compare the results against the initial state

Assess whether the solution solves the problem and

discuss if further improvement is needed
How to Implement a PDCA cycle
Use what you learned to plan your improvement

Implement the solution in full scale

Train employee on the new process

Example for PDCA
A common example often used to explain the
PDCA is when a team is initiating a new product
Additional Information
• PDCA relies on trial and error, however, it keeps improving until it achieves
• Going through the PDCA cycle is not straightforward and can be slow. PDCA is
not the appropriate approach when dealing with urgent issues.
• PDCA can be used at the personal level to improve your own performance.
Useful Tools

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