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The skills and knowledge required for one to

be multi-culturally literate are not mere

language skills, since it is assumed that some
medium of communication already exists
between two cultures.
Be selfless-
An attitude of selfless- one that is less concerned with how
I feel and more concerned with how making others feel is
crucial to multicultural literacy, as much of the offense and
conflict associated with the meeting of different cultures is
the result of a "me first" attitude: I should be
accommodated, you should be the one to adjust to me .
Know that good and useful things can (and do)
come from those different from us

Hand-in-hand with a dismissive attitude toward

another culture is the idea that nothing good can come
from. Furthermore, there is a tendencey to ignore our
right dismiss evidence to the contrary.
Be willing to compromise - Any significant
interaction with someone from a different
culture is governed by the principle of "He/She
wants something and I want something." There
must be a compromise: a reciprocal adjustment
of demands and expectations to accommodate
what the other party is willing to give..
Accept that there are limits

- At some point however, one or both cultures will

be unwilling/unable to adjust their wants for the
sake of other any further. Beyond this point, the
productivity of the interaction drops and one must
either change purpose of the interaction or walk
away, accepting that what you want cannot be had
from that particular source.

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