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Problem 20:


From the IR there is absorption of broad peak between 3300-2500

indicates the presence of stretching of hydroxyl group (OH) and there
is absorption at 1620 cm which indicates the presence of stretching
carbonyl group.
Presence of carbonyl group and OH mean presence of carboxylic
Determination the IHD for unknown compound
×C3H8, 8-(7-1) =8-6=2,2\2=1→IHD→3+2=8 2=1
.One double bond of carboxylic acid
From C13 NMR we have 2 carbons
environments,2 aliphatic carbons between
.10ppm and 60ppm
From DEPT the aliphatic carbons maybe CH or(
)CH3 due to the peaks are upwards
and there is one carbonyl carbon between 170-
180ppm,there is no symetric carbons.
:From H NMR spectrum
there are 3 environments,doublet peak between 1.6-1.4ppm
indicates the presence of CH nearby this proton.Multiplet
peak between 3.9-3.7ppm indicates the presence of CH3
nearby this proton.Single peak 5-4ppm symbolizes for
.presence of NH2 and OH
:From Mass Spectrum
The fragmentation pattern show the molecular
formula is 89
the M.wt of CH3 15=89-74
.the M.wt of COOH 45=89-44
From the previous indexes we could conclude that
.the chemical structure of this compound

Thekra Tateq
Asma`a Almahfadi

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