English SA2 Orals

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English SA2 Orals

By- Rayn, Thanushree, Maulyaa and Suhas

The tree of stories
Hello there my friends, I am the wise “Tree of Stories”. Join me as I teach a
young child, the stories of life and teach the child valuable moral lessons
that can be used by everyone in our daily lives. Come with me as I teach 2
very important morals- Logic and creativity together make beautiful
artwork, Emotions are very powerful feelings and the heart can hold it all.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the forest, a young sapling stood amidst the towering elders, their branches
reaching toward the sky like outstretched arms adorned with tales of old. But the young sapling, with its tender leaves and fragile trunk, felt
insignificant among the ancient storytellers. Each night, as the wind whispered through the branches, carrying echoes of the past, the sapling
longed to join in, to share its own story with the forest. Yet, whenever it tried to speak, its voice was drowned out by the booming voices of the
elders, their stories echoing through the canopy. Determined not to be silenced, the sapling persevered, stretching its branches toward the
heavens and digging its roots deep into the earth. With each passing day, it grew stronger, its leaves rustling with newfound confidence. One
night, as a gentle breeze swept through the forest, the elders fell silent, their branches swaying in anticipation. Sensing an opportunity, the
sapling summoned all its courage and began to speak, its voice soft but clear. At first, the elders paid no attention, lost in their own memories.
But gradually, they turned their attention toward the young sapling, listening intently to its tale of growth and discovery. As the sapling spoke, its
words filled the air with a sense of wonder, weaving a new thread into the rich tapestry of the forest's history. And as the night wore on, the
elders joined in, their voices blending with the voice of the sapling’s to create a symphony of stories that echoed through the ages. In that
moment, the young sapling realized that every story, no matter how small or young, had value. For, it is through sharing our experiences, our
struggles, and our triumphs that we truly become a part of something greater than ourselves—a living, breathing testament to the power of
storytelling. And so, with newfound confidence, the sapling continued to grow, its branches reaching ever higher toward the stars, its voice
ringing out into the night, a testament to the enduring power of perseverance and determination.

A young boy walks towards me, humming.

Don Ketchup- *humming* Wow, what a beautiful forest, and look at
all these trees. It is almost like they’re talking!
Tree of stories - Hello my friend, how are you today?
Don Ketchup- *Startled* No way!! This tree isn’t talking right. Tell
me this is a dream.
*Pinches myself* Ouuuch!!! Nope, this is real.
Tree of stories- Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I am the wise and
old Tree of Stories. As my name suggests, I tell stories to those who
come in this forest. Come my friend, I shall tell you some good ones
Don Ketchup- Oh, ok
In a kingdom where numbers and colours held
sway, a group of lost algorithms wandered
aimlessly, discarded by their creators.
Meanwhile, in a segregated land where colours
were divided, a young artist stumbled upon a
hidden bridge linking the districts. Determined to
prove their worth beyond efficiency and
conformity, the algorithms sought purpose, while
the artist embraced diversity through creativity.

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