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 Discuss an understanding of teenage relationship, including
the acceptable and unacceptable expression of attractions.
 Compose a quote saying expressing your ways of showing
attraction, love, and commitment.
 Demonstrate acceptable expression of attraction towards your
relationship circles.
Basic definitions:

Relation between people: a state of
connectedness between people (especially an
emotional connection)
2. Personal Relationship
- Is the relationship between people,
those between family, friends
and lovers/partnership
 The concept of relationship is very broad
and complex. In our model, personal
relationship refers to close connections
between people, formed
by emotional bonds and
interactions. These bonds
often grow from and are strengthened
by mutual experiences.
 Relationship are not static; they are continually evolving,
and to fully enjoy and benefit from them we need skills,
information, inspiration, practice and social support.
FAMILY- The concept “family” is an essential component in
any discussion of relationship, but this varies greatly from
person to person. The bureau of the census defines family as
“two or more persons who are related by birth, marriage, or
adoption and who live together as one household.” But many
people have family they don’t live with or to whom they are
not bonded by love, and the roles of family vary across
cultures as well as throughout your own lifetime.
FRIENDS- A friendship can be thought of as close tie
between two people that is often built upon mutual
experiences, shared interests, proximity, and emotional
bonding. Nicholas Christakis and James fowler, find that the
average person has about six close ties though some have
more, and ,any have only one or none.
NOTE: online friends don’t count towards close ties.
PARTNERSHIP- Romantic partnership, including marriage,
are close relationship formed between two people that are
built upon affection, trust, intimacy, and romantic love. We
usually experience this kind of relationship with ONLY ONE
 A strong affection for another arising out
of kinship or personalities.
 Attraction based on sexual desire:
affection and tenderness felt by lovers
 Affection based on admiration,
benevolence, or common interest.

 The act of binding yourself(intellectuality
or emotionally) to course action.
 Attractive quality; magnetic charm;
fascination ;allurement; enticement
 A person or thing that draws, attracts, allures,
or entices

 A form of trusthworthiness; the trait of being
answerable to someone for something or
being responsible for one’s conduct .
Healthy relationship are a vital component evidence that strong relationship
contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life. Conversely, the health risks from being
alone or isolated in one’s life are comparable to the risk associated with cigarette
smoking, blood pressure, and obesity.
Research shows that healty relationship can help you:
 Live longer
 Deal with stress
 Be healthier
 Feel richer
On the other hand, low social support is linked to a number of health
consequences, such as:
 Depression
 Decreased immune function
 Higher blood pressure

According to psychiatrist Jacqueline Olds and Richard Schwartz,

social alienations is an inevitable result of contemporary society’s
preoccupation with materialism and frantic “busy-ness”. Their decades
research support idea that a lack of relationship can cause multiple
problems with physical,emotional,and spiritual health. The researcher
is clear and devastating; isolation is fatal.
1. Affairs/ infidelity/ cheating- this includes emotional infidelity, one-night
stand, internet relationship(including ‘sexting’), long- and short-term affairs and
financial infidelity.
2. Sexual issues- particularly loss of libido and including question around your
gender, or your partner’s gender.
3. Significant differences in core values and beliefs.
4. Life stages- you have ‘outgrow’ each other or have ‘changes’ significantly for
what ever reason
5. Traumatic and/ or life-changing events
6. Responses to prolonged periods of stress, such as work-related stress,
long-term illness, mental health issues, financial problems, problems
with the children, infertility, and many more.
7. Bored in or with your relationship
8. Dealing with a jealous partner

9. Having ‘blended’ family issues

10. Domestic violence, which includes verbal as well as physical

abuse: THE most serious relationship problem.

11. Knowing you should not have got married in the first place!

12. Lack of responsibility regarding finances, children, health, and many other

13. Unrealistic expectations- still thinking partner/ spouse is the princess/

knight and not seeing the ‘real’ human being

14. Addictions- substance abuse

15. Excessive reliance on social media, at the cost of relationship.
16. Lack of support during particularly difficult times from people that matter to you
17. Manipulation or over-involvement in your relationship with family or friends
18. Lack of communication about important matters.
19. Poor division and or /one-sided lack of responsibility for chores and tasks.
20. Perceived lack of concern, care and consideration/ attentiveness:
feeling that relationship is one-sided is a big one!
21. Personal Disapointments and traumas that lead to a change in relationship
22. Long term depression or other mental health issues suffered by one partner/both
23. Significant differences in opinion on how to discipline/deal with the children
24. long-term stress
25. An unsupportive partner during pregnancy/ significant problems after the birth of
your baby
CONNECT WITH YOUR FAMILY- One of the biggest challenges for families to
stay connected is the busy pace of life. But Blue Zones research state that the
healthiest, longest-living people in the world all have something in commom; they put
their families first. Family support can provide comfort, support or even influence better
health outcomes while you are sick.
PRACTICE GRATITUDE- Gratitude is one of the most accessible positive emotions,
and its effects can strengthen friendship and intimate relationship. Remember to say
“thank you” when a friend listens or your spouse brings you cup of coffee can set off an
upward spiral of trust; closeness, and affection.
LEARN TO FORGIVE- It’s normal for disagreements or betrayal to arise in
relationship, but your choice about how to handle the hurt can have a powerful effect
on healing process. Choosing to forgive can bring about a variety benefits, both
physical and emotional.
BE COMPASSIONATE- Compassion is the willingness to be open to yourself and
others, even in painful times, with a gentle, nonjudgemental attitude. When you feel
compassionate toward another person, open the gates for better communications and
stronger bonds.
ACCEPT OTHERS- it is also important to be accepting of the other person in
relationship. Try to understand where the person is coming from rather than jugde them.
As you do for yourself, have realistic acceptance of the other’s strengths and
weaknesses and remember that change occurs overtime.
CREATE RITRUALS TOGETHER- In order to nurture the closeness and support of
friendship, you have to make an effort to connect. For example, sharing a walk during
lunch breaks, are ways to keep in contact with the ones you care about the most.
your time to others and when to take some time for yourself can be crucial in
maintaining balanced, healthy relationships as well as emotional well being.
10 ways to
express love
1. Express gratitude
2. Send flowers
3. Set aside time
4. Keep anger at bay
5. Be thoughtfully generous with gifts
6. Order fortune cookies
7. Offer an act of kindness
8. write a note
9. Make time
10.Be forgiving


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