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Material Safety Data Sheets

What are they used for?
 A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is designed to
provide both workers and emergency personnel with
the proper procedures for handling or working with
a particular substance. MSDS's include information
such as physical data (melting point, boiling point,
flash point etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid,
reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment,
and spill/leak procedures. These are of particular use
if a spill or other accident occurs.
 MSDS's vary in length depending on their format,
content, and font size.
 While the format can
vary, there is an
Occupational Safety &
Health Administration
(OSHA) recommended
format that is
commonly used.
 This format
includes 8 sections
Sections 1 and 2
 Section one contains the manufacturer's name and
address, as well as a phone number for information,
an emergency telephone number, the date of
preparation, and the signature of the person who
prepared it.
 Section 2 provides information of hazardous
Section 3
 Section 3 provides the physical and chemical
 Boiling Point
 Vapor Pressure
 Vapor Density
 Specific Gravity
 Melting Point
 Evaporation Rate
 Solubility in Water
 Appearance and Odor
Section 4
 Section 4 provides information on fire and explosion
 Flash Point
 Flammable Limits
 Extinguishing Media
 Special Fire Fighting Procedures
 Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards
Section 5
 Section 5 provides the reactivity data for the
 Stability
 Conditions to Avoid
 Incompatibility
 Hazardous Decompositions or Byproducts
 Hazardous Polymerization
Section 6
 Section 6 provides health hazard data.
 Routes of entry
 Carcinogenicity
 Signs and Symptoms of Exposure
 Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by
 Emergency and First Aid Procedures
Section 7
 Section 7 contains information on precautions for
safe handling and use of the substance.
 Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or
 Waste Disposal Method
 Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storage
 Other Precautions
Section 8
 Section 8 contains information on control measures.
 Respiratory Protection
 Ventilation
 Protective Gloves
 Eye Protection
 Other Protective Clothing or Equipment
 Work/Hygienic Practices

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