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Foundation of Team Dynamics

McShane, Olekalns and Travaglione (2010) Chapter 8

RMIT University 2009

Lecture Learning Outcomes for this topic

Define teams and discuss their benefits and limitations

Understand the team effectiveness model and the team development process
Discuss the characteristics and factors required for success of self-directed teams and virtual teams

RMIT University 2009

What are Teams?

Teams are groups of two or more people who interact and influence each other, are mutually accountable for achieving common objectives, and perceive themselves as a social entity within an organization.
McShane and Travaglione (2007, p.266)

RMIT University 2009

e.g. Self-Directed Teams Defined

Cross-functional work groups organised around work processes, that complete an entire piece of work requiring several interdependent tasks, and that have substantial autonomy over the execution of those tasks.

McShane-Olekalns-Travaglione OB Pacific RMIT University 2009

2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights 4 reserved

e.g. Self-Directed Team Success Factors

Responsible for entire work process

High interdependence within the team

Low interdependence with other teams Autonomy to organise and coordinate work Work site and technology support team communication/coordination

McShane-Olekalns-Travaglione OB Pacific RMIT University 2009

2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights 5 reserved

Team effectiveness model

Organisational and team environment Reward systems Communication systems Physical space Team design Task characteristics Team size Team composition Achieve organisational goals Satisfy member needs Maintain team survival Team effectiveness

Organisational environment
Organisational structure

Team processes Team development Team norms Team roles Team cohesiveness

Organisational leadership

RMIT University 2009

Stages of Team Development



Storming Forming
Existing teams might regress back to an earlier stage of development


RMIT University 2009

Team Development
Group members try to get to know each other and establish common understanding

Group is in conflict, members resist being controlled by the group, and disagreements arise concerning leadership in the group

Group members develop close ties, feelings of friendship & camaraderie abound, and group members share a common purpose

Group members work towards achieving their goals as a team

The team disbands once its goals have been achieved

RMIT University 2009

Team Norms
What is it? All teams and informal groups establish a set of rules and expectations. These rules are called norms. Why do we need team norms?

To regulate and guide the behavior of team members.

What rules would you like to set for your team today?

RMIT University 2009

Team Roles
What is it?

A role is the set of behaviors / tasks that individuals are expected to perform because they hold certain positions in a team.
A role specifies the goals individuals are required to achieve and to whom they report to.

In a team every team member plays a different role. What role will you play in your team?
RMIT University 2009 10

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