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Plastic Pollution

in Manila Bay
Plastic pollution in Manila Bay is a significant problem caused
by improper waste disposal and inadequate recycling
infrastructure. It poses a threat to the marine ecosystem,
marine life, and local communities. The accumulation of
plastic waste harms biodiversity, damages the environment,
and affects livelihoods. Resolving this issue is essential to
protect the bay's ecosystem, preserve marine life, and sustain
the well-being of the communities that depend on it.
• Manila Bay is one of the most heavily polluted bays in the Philippines, with a significant portion of the pollution
attributed to plastic waste.
• According to a study conducted by the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), an estimated 63.3 million
kilograms of plastic waste enter Manila Bay each year.
• Plastic pollution in Manila Bay contributes to the degradation of the marine ecosystem, with approximately 1,200
species of marine life affected by entanglement or ingestion of plastic debris.
• The livelihoods of over 200,000 fishermen and coastal communities in the vicinity of Manila Bay are at risk due to the
negative impact of plastic pollution on fish stocks and the marine food chain.
• Plastic debris in Manila Bay poses risks to human health, as toxic chemicals from the breakdown of plastics can
contaminate the water and enter the food chain.
• The unsightly appearance of plastic litter along the coastlines and beaches of Manila Bay detracts from its natural
beauty, impacting tourism and potential economic opportunities.
Addressing plastic pollution in Manila Bay is crucial to mitigate these detrimental effects and preserve the
environment, marine life, and the well-being of local communities.
Causes of Plastic Pollution
• Main contributors to plastic pollution in Manila Bay:
• Improper waste disposal
• Lack of recycling infrastructure
• How these factors exacerbate the problem:
• Improper waste disposal leads to plastic waste being thrown into
waterways or left unmanaged, eventually reaching Manila Bay.
• The lack of recycling infrastructure results in a limited capacity to
effectively collect, sort, and recycle plastic waste, leading to a higher
likelihood of it ending up in the bay.
• These factors combined contribute to the continuous accumulation of
plastic debris, intensifying the pollution problem in Manila Bay.
Suggested Action
• People in authority, such as local government officials,
environmental agencies, and community leaders, can take
various steps to address this issue:
• Implement stricter regulations: Enforce and strengthen existing
laws on waste management, including the proper disposal of
plastics. Introduce penalties for non-compliance and incentivize
sustainable practices.
As for determining the best issue for social change, it would be
beneficial to involve stakeholders and experts in the decision-making
process. Conducting meetings or consultations with community
members, environmental organizations, government representatives,
and other relevant parties can help evaluate the urgency, feasibility,
and potential impact of different issues, leading to a collective decision
on the most pressing concern to address.

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