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Q1. The heat transfer takes place according to

(a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
(b) First law of thermodynamics
(c) Second law of thermodynamics
(d) Kirchhoff's law
Q2. Conduction is a process of heat transfer
(a) from one particle of the body to another without the actual motion
of the particles
(b) from one particle of the body to another by the actual motion of the
heated particles
(c) from a hot body to a cold body, in a straight line, without affecting the
intervening medium
(d) none of the above
Q3. Radiation is the process of heat transfer in which heat flows from
a..............., in a straight line, without affecting the intervening
(a) cold body to hot body
(b) hot body to cold body
(c) smaller body to larger body
(d) larger body to smaller body
Q4. The process of heat transfer from one particle of the body to another
by the actual motion of the heated particles, is called
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
Q5. In case of liquids and gases, the heat transfer takes place
according to
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) none of these
Q6. The heat of sun reaches to us according to
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) none of these
Q7. The transfer of heat by molecular collision is known as
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) none of these
Q8. The transfer of heat by molecular collision is smallest in
(a) solids
(b) liquids
(c) gases
(d) none of these
Q9. The heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation in
(a) melting of ice
(b) boiler furnaces
(c) condensation of steam in condenser
(d) none of these
Q10. The space between the two walls of a thermos flask is evacuated
because vacuum is ...........conductor of heat.
(a) good
(b) bad
Q11. The heat transfer from a hot body to a cold body is directly
proportional to the surface area and difference of temperatures
between the two bodies. This statement is called
(a) First law of thermodynamics
(b) Newton's law of cooling
(c) Newton's law of heating
(d) Stefan's law
Q12. Fourier's law of heat conduction is
(a) Q = k.A*(dT/dx)
(b) Q = k.A*(dx/dT)
(c) Q = k*(dT/dx)
(d) Q=k*(dx/dT)
Q13. The amount of heat flow through a body by conduction is
(a) directly proportional to the surface area of the body
(b) directly proportional to the temperature difference on the two faces
of the body
(c) inversely proportional to the thickness of the body
(d) all of the above
Q14. According to Newton's law of cooling, the heat transfer from a
hot body to a cold body
(a) directly proportional to the surface area
(b) directly proportional to the difference of temperatures between
the two bodies
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) both (a) and (b)
Q15. Thermal conductivity of a material may be defined as the
(a) quantity of heat flowing in one second through a slab of the material of
area 1 cm² and thickness 1 cm when its faces differ in temperature by 1° C
(b) quantity of heat flowing in one second through one cm of material
when opposite faces are maintained at a temperature difference of 1°C
(c) heat conducted in unit time across unit area through unit thickness
when a temperature difference of unity is maintained between opposite
(d) all of the above
Q16. The unit of thermal conductivity in S. I. units is
(a) J/m/K/s
(b) W/mK
(c) J/m²K
(d) all of these
Q17. The rate of heat flow through a body is Q = kA(T1-T₂)/x The term
x/kA is known as
(a) thermal coefficient
(b) thermal resistance
(c) thermal conductivity
(d) none of these
Q18. Thermal conductivity of solid metals.............with rise in
(a) remains same
(b) decreases
(c) Increases
Q19. A steam pipe is to be lined with two layers of insulating materials of
different thermal conductivities. For the minimum heat transfer,
(a) the better insulation must be put inside
(b) the better insulation must be put outside
(c) one could place either insulation on either side
(d) one should take into account the steam temperature before deciding
as to which insulation is put where
Q20. A composite slab has two layers of different materials with thermal
conductivities k1, and k2. If each layer has the same thickness, then the
equivalent thermal conductivity of the slab will be
(a) k1k2
(b) k1 + k2
(c) k1 + k2/k1k2
(d) 2k1k2/k1 + k2
Q21. A furnace is made of a red brick wall of thickness 0.5 m and
conductivity 0.7 W/mK. For the same heat loss and temperature drop, this
can be replaced by a layer of diatomite earth of conductivity 0.14 W/mK
and thickness
(a) 0.5m
(b) 0.1m
(c) 0.2m
(d) 0.5m
Q22. The heat transfer by conduction through a thick cylinder (Q) is
given by
(a) Q =
(b) Q =
(c) Q =
(d) Q =
Q24. The overall coefficient of heat transfer is used in problems of
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) conduction and convection
Q25. The unit of overall coefficient of heat transfer is
(a) W/m²K
(b) W/m²
(c) W/mK
(d) W/m

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