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International Monetary Fund

Presented by

Roll No-
What is the IMF?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an
international organization established in 1944 to
promote global economic stability and
international monetary cooperation.
History of the IMF
1 Establishment
The IMF was created at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.

2 Global Financial Crises

The IMF played a significant role in stabilizing economies during
financial crises.

3 Structural Adjustment Programs

The IMF implemented programs to help countries suffering from
financial instability.
Objectives of the IMF
1 Exchange Rate Stability 2 Financial Assistance
The IMF aims to help maintain Providing financial aid to member
stable exchange rates between countries in economic distress.

3 Global Economic Growth

Supporting policies that foster economic stability and growth worldwide.
Structure of the IMF-
Board of Governors
The highest decision-making body, composed of
one governor from each member country.

Executive Board
Responsible for daily operations and includes 24
executive directors.
Managing Director
Leads the organization and is appointed by
the IMF's executive board.
IMF lending programs
Stand-By Arrangements Extended Fund Facility
Short to medium-term assistance to Provides assistance to countries with
countries with balance of payments protracted balance of payments
problems. problems.

Emergency Assistance
Provides rapid financial assistance to countries affected by catastrophic events.
IMF's role in the global economy

Economic Surveillance Policy Advice Capacity Development

Monitoring economic and Providing advice on fiscal, Assisting member countries
financial developments monetary, and structural in building institutional and
globally. policies to member human capacity.
Challenges faced by the IMF
1 Conditionality 2 Political Interference 3 Reform & Governance
Concerns Dealing with political Continuous efforts to
Some countries have pressures from member improve governance
criticized the stringent countries during and adapt to the
conditions attached to decision-making changing global
IMF loans. processes. financial landscape.
Future of the IMF-

190+ 75 Economic Stability

Member Countries Years of Experience Global Mission

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