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Taking Care of a Newborn

and a Growing Child

Care of a Newborn

• Care of the infants begins with preparations before the baby is actually
born. In emergency cases when the physician is absent, someone should
help the mother in the chilbirth and take care of the baby until the doctor
• The four weeks immediately following birth make up the neonatal or
newborn period. During this time the care of the newborn recieves is very
important and is a major factor for it’s survival. And there some guidelines
fof it to take care and treatment of the newborn during neonatal.
The Growing Child

• Watching a child grow and change is one of life’s greatest experiences for
parents. The growth of normal children follow a general pattern. The
speed of the development, however, differs from one child to another,
some children may develop more quickly than the others of the same age.
This, though is normal.
• I will take care a newborn and a growing child through all the knowledge
and skills I had and gain from my lessons and experiences at home from
my little/younger siblings and also learnings from my past work which is
house keeper and a babysitter to newborn and a two (2) years old kid.
Further, if I can’t personally take care of the newborn or the growing child
i would ask for assistance or help to my mother or parents and parents in
law to take good care of the baby.
The End…..Thank you for Listening!

-Mariel C. Noculan

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