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n Growth

Types of Population
1.Exponential Population Growth
-the accelerating increase in population
size that occurs when growth is
unregulated exhibited by a population
that has few, if any, resource stars ut
slowly, speeds up as population
Types of Population
1.Exponential Population Growth
The rate of expansion that occurs under ideal
conditions and the entire population multiplies by a
constant factor during constant time intervaals. This is
described by the equation
G = rN
G= growth rate; N-population size; r=intrinsic rate
of increase
Types of Population
The r refers to the Growth
intrinsic rate of increase. It is the
rate at which a population would grow if it had
unlimited resources and remains constant for any
population expanding without limits based on
organism’s inherent capacity to reproduce and varies
by organism.

Types of Population
2. Logistic Population Growth
this is the growth that is slowed down
by population-limiting factors and
tends to level off at a carrying capacity.

LPG = (K-N)/K

K= carrying capacity
Carrying Capacity- the biotic potential and
environmental resistance. Together determine the
number of individuals of a given species that can be
sustained indefinitely in a given area or volume.
Factors that Affect Size of Population
1. Biotic Potential
this is the growth factor or the
capacity of a population for growth
which varies between populations and
within population over time.
a. Abiotic factors
 Favorable light
 Favorable temperature
 Favorable chemical environment
Factors that Affect Size of Population
b. Biotic factors
 high reproductive rates
 generalist
 adequate food
 adequate defenses from predators
 resistance to disease
Factors that Affect Size of Population
2. Environmental resistance
this is the decrease factors or all the
factors acting jointly to limit growth of
a population. He factors that lead to
decrease in size are the following:
a. Abiotic factors
 too much, too little light
 Temperature too high, too low
 Unfavorable chemical environment
Factors that Affect Size of Population
b. Biotic factors
 low reproductive rate
 Specialist
 Inadequate food
 Inadequate defense from predators
 Inability to resist diseases
Types of Growth Curve
1. Sigmoid Curve (S-Curve)

 The beginning (positive acceleration phase or lag phase)

 The middle phase(logarithmic phase)
 The last phase (negative acceleration phase)
Types of Growth Curve
2. J-Shaped Curve
In the first phase there is no increase in population size
because it needs some time for adjustment in the new
environment. Soon after the population is established in the
new environment, it starts multiplying rapidly. This increase
in population is continued till large amount of food
materials exist in the habitat.
Types of Growth Curve

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J Curve S Curve

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