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There are many misconceptions about Islam that
stem from the West for many reasons which are as
o Stereotyping: Muslims are seen as violent and
terrorists who are brainwashed into thinking that
what they follow is the right path.

MISINTERPRETATIO o Media Representation: Sensational propaganda

N OF ISLAM about Islam focusing on extreme incidents show
a false picture to the world.

o Islamophobia: All of the negative portrayal

leads to islamophobia which in turn results in
social discrimination and hate crimes in the West
upon the Muslims residing there.
General claims by the West
o Muslims are seen as a barbaric community that only knows how to spread violence
and extremism in the name of religion.
o They are the oppressors who do not shy away from waging a war against people
who have a different faith as they consider themselves as the superior.

This leads to the infamous statement that:

Debunking this statement
This statement is false as on many instances the Quran has mentioned against any act of
violence and hate towards others.
"And do not fight in the cause of Allah except against those who fight you, and do not transgress limits;
indeed, Allah does not love transgressors." (Quran 2:190)

o This reference clearly forbids Muslims to harm innocent lives.

o Fighting only in self defense or to protect their faith is allowed.
o It shows that Allah will not show mercy on those who commit a hate crime against
"The one who terrorizes innocent people is not one of us." (Sunan Abu Dawud)

o This hadith shows that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) condemned
terrorism and violence against innocent people. It also shows that Muslims should
strive to be peaceful and compassionate people.
How can Muslims be known as terrorists when their religion Islam literally means
‘submission to God 'and is derived from a root word meaning ‘peace’.
"And if they incline to peace, then incline to it and trust in Allah; indeed, He is the Hearing, the
Knowing." (Quran 8:61)

o This verse teaches that Muslims should respect other religions and beliefs.
o And that they should not enforce their religion onto others and corporate with them
for the common good.
"And do not kill the soul that Allah has forbidden [to be killed], except by [justice]. And whoever kills a
soul unjustly - We have made for him life, but only to his detriment." (Quran 6:151)

"To you your religion, and to me mine." (Quran 109:6)

Both of these verses teaches that Muslims should be tolerant of other religions and
beliefs or face consequences for their actions.
o This misconception often stems from the misinformed interpretation about Jihad.
o Jihad is an Arabic word that means "struggle".
o It can be divided into two main categories: the greater jihad and the lesser jihad.

o The Greater Jihad: Focuses on the internal battle against one's own ego and personal
desires. This struggle aims to improve one's character and align one's life with
Islamic principles.

o The Lesser Jihad: is the external struggle against evil and injustice. It can include
military warfare and is only permissible when it is used in self-defense or to defend
the oppressed.
MISCONCEPTION | 2-Islam guide followers to
oppress women
This line of thought is fed by wide media
coverage and focus on some acts of injustice
which women face in some Muslim countries.
Yet, when it comes to investigating whether
Islam oppresses woman or not, one should not
depend solely on some manifestations of
injustice towards women committed by people
who are largely influenced by their local and
traditional customs and culture. If every
religion is judged only by the practices of some
its followers at a certain time, then all religions
will be portrayed as evil and non-applicable.
When people generally think about Muslim women there is
usually the stereotype of “ignorant, submissive, oppressed
and almost totally enslaved by women-hating men”
(Jamal Badawi 1995 pg. 43).

‘O Humankind! We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and female. And made you
into tribes that you may know each other. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most
righteous of you and God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).
(Quran Chapter 49 verse 13).

“The Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for
you pairs from among yourselves”
(Quran Chapter 42 verse 11).
Spiritual Aspect;

“Every soul will be (held) in pledge for their deeds”

(Quran Chapter 74 verse 38)

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith,

verily to him we give a new life that is good and pure, and we
will bestow on such their reward according to their actions”

(Quran Chapter 16 verse 97)

Social Aspect;

The prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) said

“The most perfect believers are the best in conduct the best of you are
those who are best to their wives”.

The Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said

“Paradise is at the feet of your mother “

Economic Aspect;
Muslim women have the right to their own income and
property this does not change after marriage.
An example of prominent business woman was Khadijah the
first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) . The British on
conquering Egypt in the nineteenth century were shocked
to see Muslim women doctors working in the hospitals (a
practice for centuries) as there were no female doctors in the
MISCONCEPTION | 3-womens are forced by men to wear
a headscarf or hijab as assign of submission.
Defination of hijab
• Definition of Hijab; The term "hijab" in Islam refers to a covering or veil.
• It's a symbol of modesty and privacy in the context of clothing.
• Two types
• Types of Covering
• Hijab encompasses various forms of modest dress, including headscarves, modest
clothing, and sometimes a face veil.
• The specific form of hijab can vary among cultures and personal preferences.
• Symbol of Modesty
• The hijab is a symbol of modesty in Islam.
• It reflects the teachings of Islam, which promote modest behavior and dress for both
men and women.
• Obedience to Allah
• Wearing the hijab is a demonstration of obedience to Allah's command.
• It signifies a commitment to following the principles of modesty and humility
outlined in the Quran.
• A Personal Choice Contrary to the misconception, the hijab is a personal choice.
• Muslim women choose to wear it out of their own free will and faith.
• Act of Worship For many Muslim women, wearing the hijab is an act of worship.
• It is a way of drawing closer to Allah and practicing their faith.
Quranic Guidance on Modesty
• Quran 24:31"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their
private parts and not display their adornment except that which appears thereof...“
• Promotion of Modesty
• This verse highlights the Quran's emphasis on modesty for believing women.
• It encourages them to lower their gaze, guard their modesty, and not display their
adornment openly.
• Hadith on the Scope of Covering
• : Sahih Bukhari
• "The woman is to cover everything except her face and hands."
• : Hadith of Aisha
• Aisha, a respected figure in Islam, narrates this Hadith.
• It provides guidance on what Muslim women should cover.
• : Empowering Women's Choice
• This Hadith indicates the extent of covering, allowing women to show
their faces and hands.
MISCONCEPTION |4- Allah is only god of Muslims
• The statement that "Allah is only the God of Muslims and not others" is not
accurate, and both the Quran and Islamic teachings emphasize this.
• Islam acknowledges the concept of one God, Allah, who is believed to be the creator
and sustainer of the entire universe.
• Allah is the God of all people, regardless of their religion
• "Every child is born in a state of fitrah (natural disposition to Islam), and his
parents make him a Jew, Christian, or Magian." (Sahih Muslim)
• Lets see some more references and details on this topic
The Quran makes it clear that Allah is the God
of all humanity, not just Muslims.
In Surah Al-Fatiha (The Opening), the very
first chapter of the Quran, it says, "Praise be
to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds" (Quran
This verse highlights the universal nature of
Allah as the Lord of all that exists.
• The Quran is often described as
guidance for all of humanity.
• In Surah Al-Al Imran (The Family of
Imran) (Quran 3:96),
• it is mentioned that the Quran is
• "a guidance for the people" and "clear
proofs of guidance and criterion.“
• The word "Almighty" is an English
adjective that describes someone
or something having unlimited
power, strength, or authority.
• In the context of God, it emphasizes
His absolute power and sovereignty
over all creation. A
• llah is believed to be all-powerful,
and nothing in the universe can
surpass His authority.

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