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Conflict Management Toolkit

Table of Contents
I. Determining the current level of conflict level in my work life (self-assessment)

II. Determining my conflict style (self assessment) III. Resolving a conflict with one other person IV. Resolving a group conflict. V. Supervisors role in resolving employee conflict

Conflict is the result of differing perceptions, assumptions, and/or values. What is conflict resolution? Conflict resolution is a process of working through opposing views in order to reach a common goal or mutual purpose

Determining the source of conflict

At times you may sense conflict at work, but not know exactly why. The conflict self-assessment will help you to pinpoint the specific area in which you are experiencing conflict so that you can begin to resolve it. The areas addressed are supervisor, self, peers, employees, and productivity.

Conflict Style
Not only is it important to know what relationship or situation is causing conflict in our life, but it is also important to look at how we normally resolve conflict (our natural inclination).

We must then decide whether we are satisfied with our current approach or if we would like to change it in some way to improve our effectiveness at conflict resolution.

Style Explanation
As you discovered through the conflict resolution assessment, our natural inclinations usually place us into one of these styles.

Avoiding Accommodating Compromising Competing Collaborating

Style Explanation
Avoiding Style (-,-)
If I ignore the problem, it will go away If I confront the problem, I may hurt someones feelings Why bother it wont change anything

Accommodating (-,+)
Its easier to just give in and give them what they want You will be better liked if you just agree By letting the other person win this time, you will win next time you have to pick your battles.

Style Explanation
Compromising Style (-,-)
Its only fair because then neither of us get what we want. Both parties are on an even playing field We can choose to give up something we really dont need, thereby winning.
Im right and youre wrong There is only one solution

Competing Style (+,-) Collaborating (+,+)

We can find a solution that works for both of us. By asking the other persons perspective, I can understand them. Once we find a common ground, we can work from there.

Conflict Style
If you find yourself adopting a conflict style that youre not happy about
1. 2. Analyze why you have adopted that style. Develop some simple action steps that will help you break your habit.

One-to-one Conflict

Conflict Management Toolkit Part VI

If you want to constructively resolve a conflict with another person

FIRST, get into the right frame of mind for a positive discussion, always remembering to treat the other person with respect
SECOND, agree on the best time and place for both of you to discuss the conflict with each other. THIRD, Set some ground rules. FOURTH, have a discussion.

Step 1:

Adopt the right frame of mind

The Approach
When you are ready to approach the other person remember to:

Go in with the right attitude Send positive non-verbal signals Focus on the real issues Pay attention to communication style

Your Attitude
Your desire to win, punish, or control Your desire that everything be fair Your assumption that it wont work Your tendency to think in black and white, right or wrong Your determination to be right.

Leave Behind Take With You

A willingness to work at this An understanding that perception is reality both for you and those around you. A willingness to learn from the situation A willingness to see and acknowledge your own contribution to the problem.

Be aware of your nonverbal signals:

Others impression of you is based on:

7 % of the words used;

38% on voice quality; and

55% on nonverbal communication

Focus on underlying Issues

What happened?
Difference in expectations: What did I expect to happen?; What actually happened? Who did what? Intention inventory (Who meant what?)

Dont ignore or fail to acknowledge Feelings make relationships enjoyable and difficult conversations difficult (cant have one without the other!)

Must face ourselves as well as other person Am I competent?; Am I a good person?; Am I worthy of love?

Communication Tips
Avoid you statements Focus on behavior, not employee Focus on actions, not intent Be descriptive and specific (bring data) Practice active listening skills Ask open and closed questions to clarify points

Step 2:

Consider time factors

Be Timely:
talk to the other person while the issues are still current

Anger and negative feelings tend to fester if not dealt with quickly!!

Consider the other persons time needs

Dont interrupt the other persons schedule and state that you need to talk Agree on a time to meet with the other person and inform him/her of the topic. Give him/her time to prepare mentally.

Step 3:

Set some ground rules!

3 Golden Rules
1. Everyone tells it like they see it. 2. Get everything on the table. 3. Focus on the future.

Sample Rules for discussion

In addition to general rules, it is helpful to agree on how you will talk with each other

No interruptions No yelling Time limit on certain topics of discussion Words to avoid Agreement on what to do if you cant agree ahead of time

Step 4: The Actual Discussion

The Actual Conversation

1. Define the conflict.

2. Communicate understanding.
3. Explore alternative solutions. 4. Agree on most workable solution. 5. Evaluate after time.

Define the Conflict

Describe the problem in clear, concrete terms. Be specific (use I not you) Focus on behaviors or problems, not people Talk about the impact on you Define the conflict as a problem to solve together, not a battle to be won

2. Communicate Understanding
Listen to really understand the other persons feelings, needs, Reflect back. Explain how you see the problem after you have heard them.

Identify your contribution to the situation.

Describe feelings (not judgments or accusations)

3. Explore alternative solutions


Take turns offering alternative solutions. List them all.

Be nonjudgmental of others ideas. Examine the consequence of each solution. Think and talk positively.

4. Agree on most workable solution


Agree on a solution you both understand and can live with.

Be committed to resolving the conflict

5. Evaluate after time

Get together after some time and see how the new arrangement is working for both parties

Resolving Group Conflict

Workforce Development Toolkit Part VII

Meeting Conflict
1. If you sense a spoken or unspoken conflict in a meeting over an issue, address it. There seems to be some disagreement over this issue. Can we take a few minutes to clarify the issue. Clarify the conflict. O.K. so there seems to be some disagreement over. Decide if there is time to deal with it today or if another meeting needs to be set up to give it full attention. Since this seems to be quite an important issue and we dont have much time today. Lets agree to meet again to discuss it further. Can we meet on. If another meeting is necessary, assign responsibility for gathering more information on the subject to staff. Sue, can you please research information on. And Diane can you please check on that State mandate. Insist employees let it go until the next meeting. We have a lot of other issues to discuss today so lets free our minds of this issue until the set meeting and move on.





Group Resolution

Restate the issue to ensure clarity.

Have each group member, share information gathered and give his/her opinion. Make sure everything is put on the table (no unresolved feelings popping up later) Brainstorm alternatives Agree on best solution using team decision-making steps (see reference list at end) Develop action steps. Agree on follow-up session.


4. 5.

6. 7.

Supervisors role in resolving conflict

Conflict Management Toolkit Part IV

Your Role as a Supervisor


Looking for ways to reduce and prevent conflict in your work area Handling conflict as a third party Handling grievances as they come to you

You can reduce conflict by:

Being a good leader
Being aware of your management style Training yourself and your staff on conflict resolution Looking out for signs

Be a Good Leader
Set a good example Communicate clear standards Set ground rules Provide clear rationale for decisions Ensure employees have resources and training to do their jobs Get to know your employees

Be a Good Leader
Conduct performance counseling Assist employees who have performance problems

Address misconduct promptly

Get advice from HR when you have questions or concerns prior to the need to pursue disciplinary actions Treat employees fairly and equitably, applying rules consistently

Be aware of your own behavior

1. Allowing aggressive or inappropriate conduct without taking action can foster a hostile or intimidating work environment. Decision-making without employee input or participation can lead to frustrated employees who dont feel valued as anything but worker bees. Your staff looks to you to assist in resolving conflicts. You are better equipped to resolve conflicts if both you and your staff have had conflict resolution training. If you are inconsistent or unpredictable, your employees will be unsure of your expectations and become frustrated. Engaging in relationships with your employees that are personal or too informal may lead to misunderstandings, as well as other employees feeling alienated.





Lookout for Signs of discontentment

A usually outgoing, communicative employee becomes withdrawn and quiet. An employee frequently comes in late for work. An employee is more argumentative and erratic than usual. An employee suddenly takes no interest in maintaining his or her personal appearance or hygiene. An employee makes comments about violent means of dealing with, or coping with, a particular situation. An employee talks about having nothing to lose or not caring about anything anymore.

If an employee comes to you with a possible grievance:

Take the complaint seriously Set a professional tone for the interview put the complainant at ease Provide assurance of confidentiality & non-retaliation Ask for but do not require- a written statement. Gather facts, do not make judgments. Listen and get answers to: who, what, when, where, why, how. Communicate your concern and describe the available options.

Handling a formal complaint cont

Ask how the complainant would like to proceed.
Tell the complainant that prompt action will be taken. Ask about the person (s) need for immediate assistance. Set a time for a follow-up meeting and/or refer the person to the HR office Document and contact HR.

Consult HR as a proactive rather than reactive measure

A single injury is much easier to fix when compared to multiple wounds!

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