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Introduction to Volcanoes

Volcanoes are natural disasters that come in many shapes and sizes. They are
formed by the movement of tectonic plates and are often found at the boundaries
of these plates. When they erupt, they can have major impacts on the surrounding
environment and communities.
Types of Volcanoes
Shield Volcanoes Stratovolcanoes Cinder Cone Volcanoes

These are broad, gently sloping Also known as composite

volcanoes built by the eruption of volcanoes, they are tall and conical These are the simplest type,
low-viscosity basaltic lava. with explosive eruptions due to consisting of a cone formed from
viscous magma. particles of erupted magma.
Volcanic Eruptions
1 Lava Flows 2 Pyroclastic Flows 3 Explosive Eruptions
When magma reaches the
surface, it becomes lava and These are dense, fast-moving These occur when the
flows down the sides of the flows of solidified lava pressure of trapped gases
volcano. pieces, ash, and hot gases. within the magma becomes
too high.
Volcanic Hazards
Ash Fallout Lahars
This can cause breathing problems and Mixtures of volcanic debris and water that
affect agriculture and infrastructure. flow down river valleys, posing a
significant threat to communities

Volcanic Gases
Can lead to respiratory problems and contribute to the greenhouse effect.
Volcanic Monitoring and Prediction

1K 70
Seismic Data Gas Emission Studies
Over 1,000 ground-based seismic stations continuously More than 70 volcanoes are monitored with gas emission
monitor volcanoes worldwide. studies to assess the likelihood of eruptions.
Famous Volcanic Eruptions in History

Mount Vesuvius AD 79 Destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy.

Krakatoa 1883 One of the most powerful volcanic eruptions in

recorded history in Indonesia.

Mount St. Helens 1980 Devastating eruption in Washington, United States.

Volcanoes and the Environment

Ecosystem Restoration Fertile Soils

New land formed by volcanic eruptions can lead to the Volcanic soils are rich in minerals, making them
creation of unique ecosystems over time. highly fertile for agricultural purposes.
1 Appreciation
Understanding the power and beauty of volcanoes can lead to a greater appreciation
for the natural world.

2 Preparedness
Learning from the past helps communities prepare for and respond to future
volcanic events.

3 Research
Ongoing research is vital for improving monitoring, prediction, and resilience

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