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Critical Review

Wejang Alvin En
Application Based Android as A Development of English
Learning Media
Muzayyanna Zatulifa, Riswandi, Helmi Fitriawan, Akla
1 Student of Educational Technology Magister Program, Post
Graduate Program, University of Lampung
2 Lecturers of Educational Technology Magister Program,
Post Graduate Program, University of Lampung
3 Lecture of State Islamic Collage of Jurai Siwo Metro

1. Information of article
This article was published in 2018. This article is free access in Journal
of Research & Method in Education. this article was written by Muzayyanna
Zatulifa1, Riswandi, Helmi Fitriawan, Akla from Universitas Lampung. In this
article, the researchers explain clearly about preliminary or the literature
and the theoretical framework of the study. Unfortunately, the writers
don’t explain clearly about the method of this study.
2. Research Design and Methodology
These authors mention clearly the method that use in this study.
This study is Research and Development method. Implement Borg
and Gall development model, but only reached seventh stage due to
time and cost factors. These authors don’t write the detail subject in
this study in this part, but they give complete explanation about the
stage of development and the product test in this part.

3. Finding
The product of the study is English learning application called
Mubeling application. That application is designed through the
Appypie program which consist of material, English dictionary, video
learning, e-reader, evaluation and so on. The result of effectiveness
test and efficiency test also show positive. It means that this
application is good enough to implement in the learning process. The
effectiveness of this media increases with the average post test score
of 77.56 with 87% of students achieving Minimum Completeness
Criteria. learning English using this android-based application 45
minutes more efficiently than traditional learning using books or
student worksheets. the attractiveness of English learning application-
based android is very attractive predicate so this allows students to
increase their learning motivation and creativity.
4. Writing quality, Clarity and Style
This article gives a very detail preliminary explanation
about the topic. The writers explain from the ICT
development and brings the readers into the UpToDate
in integration of ICT in learning process. The android-
based application or the use of mobile phone is
highlighted in this article. The writers also give their
argumentation about the topic than correlate with real
problem in their research. unfortunately, the writers
don’t give a complete explanation about the method.
They miss some important information to give to the

5. Value of the Study

This article provides a view that ICT integration
especially mobile device integration is important to
develop and implement in our teaching process.
Knowing the positive finding from that kind of research.
The development of application is needed to gain more.
The results of this study provide evidence that teacher
should implement this kind of technology integration.
Enhancing Vocabulary Performance Through Mobile Assisted Language
Learning at a Rural School in Indonesia
Caroline V. Katemba
Faculty of Education, English Dept. Universitas Advent Indonesia

1. Information of article
This article was published in 2021. This article is free access in Acuity: English
Language Pedagogy, Literature, and Culture. Vol.6 No.1 2021. This article was
written by Caroline V. Katemba from Politeknik Eletronika Surabaya. In this article,
the researchers almost explain clearly all the parts.

2. Research Design and Methodology

This study uses experimental design. There are experimental and control
group.There are pre-test and post-test to all the groups. Two clasess use in this
study. The subject of this study is 8 grades of SMP advent Setiabudi Bandung. The
students participated in this study for 14 weeks or 40 hours of classroom
meetings. The instrument is vocabulary test. The treetment given in the
experimental group is teacher send some words and the studnts must memorixe
the vocabulary. The words are given before the meeting using mobile device.
3. Finding
The result of pre-test and post-test shows that there is significant difference
between experimental and control group. The results revealed that the words sent
were very helpful in vocabulary learning. They compared the effect of different
vocabulary learning modes, one using paper material and the other supported by
mobile phones, and the results showed that the mobile phone group gained
significantly more vocabulary than the paper group. Those studies showed that
students who were treated with MALL performed better in their vocabulary
enhancement, and the use of the MALL method in teaching is very helpful,
supported the students in learning.

4. Writing quality, Clarity and Style

The writers give a clear explanation in the all parts. The writer gives in the
explain the theoretical framework, method that use in the research and finding.
However, the explanation can be shortened and made into one big point or one
point that cover all the points. The author explains very long in the method.

5. Value of the Study

This journal provides evidence that MALL can have a positive impact on English
learning. although the implementation of the mall itself is still very minimal and very
simple in this research. however, these results will be a good basis for developing
MALL in learning. This article also provides an illustration that students are currently
very ready for the implementation of MALL. In the future, it may be possible to use
MALL, which is more or more complicated, to apply.

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