Pastiche As A Text Type

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Pastiche as a text type

20th February 2024 11.30 a.m. to 12.10 p.m. Ms. Saba Nizami
Learning objectives
Today, you will:
• understand pastiche as a text type
• understand the difference between pastiche and parody
• develop your analytical skills by deconstructing a
pastiche as a text type
• appreciate how the context of a pastiche shapes its
Group work
In groups of 3-4, discuss • What is a pastiche?
the following questions,
write brief notes on sticky
• Can you give an example of a
notes/paper and put them
up on the white board. (3-4 • What is parody?
minutes). Once you are
done, go ahead and read
• Can you give an example of a
what other groups have
written and discuss. • What is the difference between a
pastiche and a parody?
Characteristics of Pastiche
• A pastiche is a form of intertextuality, where an artist uses the central idea of a work
to create an original piece.
• It is a work of art, literature, or music that imitates the style of another artist. It can
also be a compilation of different works.
• It is usually made with respect for the work it imitates, rather than mockery or satire.
• It can also be an original composition that mimics the style of another author.
• It pays homage to the work it imitates.
• An author of pastiche often mimics the writing style and voice of the original author.
Pastiche and Parody
What is the difference?
Area of exploration—intertextuality: connecting texts (AOE3)
How can we use these questions to widen and deepen our reading of texts?
Which questions do you not understand?

•How do texts adhere to and deviate from conventions associated with

literary forms or text types?
•How do conventions and systems of reference evolve over time?
•In what ways can diverse texts share points of similarity?
•How valid is the notion of a classic text?
•How can texts offer multiple perspectives of a single issue, topic or theme?
•In what ways can comparison and interpretation be transformative?
Text in focus

How does the interplay of text and

image communicate a persuasive

Here's a brief analysis:
The text is a simple advertisement or promotion for Dallas Farmer's Market. The advertisers have used pastiche as a
technique to create an interesting and powerful message. They have used the packaging of Mcdonald’s, the popular burger

1. Language Choice: The use of the words "fresh" and "tasty" along with the bright yellow and red colors which are
reminiscent of Macdonald’s on the package evoke positive sensory experiences associated with food. These words and
colors are commonly used in marketing to appeal to consumers' desire for quality and flavor.

2. Conciseness: The text is short and to the point, conveying the key message efficiently. This is common in advertisements
where brevity is important for capturing attention quickly.

3. Location Mention: The mention of "Dallas Farmer's Market" provides context and specifies the location of where these
fresh and tasty items can be found. It serves to direct potential customers to the market.

4. Implied Benefits: By associating the freshness and tastiness with the Dallas Farmer's Market, the text implies that
consumers can expect high-quality, delicious produce or food products by visiting the market.

5. Colorful displays of fresh fruits and vegetables show vendors proudly presenting their produce. Also, these fresh foods in
place of fries and burgers emphasize the importance of healthy food and remind the readers of the harmful effects of junk
food. The overall vibe of the image conveys a sense of freshness, vibrancy, and community connection, aligning with the
message of the text to entice viewers to visit the Dallas Farmer's Market for high-quality, delicious goods.

Overall, the text effectively communicates the appeal of the Dallas Farmer's Market by highlighting its fresh and tasty
offerings in a concise and engaging manner.
Home assignment
• Write an analysis on the text discussed today.
• Find an example of intertextuality in literature, art or pop
culture and bring it to class.
• Link your chosen example with one or two of the AOE
questions on slide no.8 and talk about it for 2-3 minutes.
• Discuss the role of an audience in creating meaning.

• IBDP English A Language and Literature subject guide for 2021 assessments

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