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Technology and Society

FWS205 UAE & GCC Society

January 2021
Keywords: Innovation, Technology, Government,
Be able to analyse
and apply your
live knowledge on
I’m here! designing
MOST: solutions to your
Distinguish own technology A
between various
impacts in GCC
Society because of
 ALL: To Transformation
define what is C-B
 D-D+ 1.*Challenge: Research on a latest technology
brought in the market by google.

• Learning Outcome: To be able to understand want is technology and its effects

on Individual and Economy as a whole.
Objectives of the study
Understanding Technology
How is technology reshaping our lives
To discuss positive and negative aspects concerning to the ever
growing technology
Technology and UAE Society :
Government Services
Social Life
Sustainable development
To be able to create your own solution on technology
Watch the video and make notes
Lets chat….Give me a definition of
What is Technology - 5 mins
Impact of Digital
Individuals’ life
Digital Government and Governance
Digital Economy
Impact of Technology on Individuals’ life …. Can you
think and type any more examples? ( 10 mins)
World's first full-scale Hyperloop passenger
capsule unveiled – (Government Services)

Can you think of any more?

In 2020, this capsule will be fully optimized and ready for
This artificial skin can help in rehabilitation,
enhance VR (Sustainability)

Scientists tested it on users' fingers and are still making improvements to

the technology

London: Scientists have developed

a soft, flexible artificial skin made of
silicone and electrodes that can
help in rehabilitation and enhance
virtual reality (VR).
Just like our senses of hearing and
vision, our sense of touch plays an
important role in how we perceive
and interact with the world around
Smart Classrooms (Social Life)

From artificial
intelligence to e-books
and robotics, the United
Arab Emirates is
revamping its educational
system to include an
array of emerging
technologies. With the
Fourth Industrial
Revolution increasingly
shaping the world,
educators are adapting
their programs to ensure
children are equipped for
tomorrow’s jobs.
Impact of technology on Government and
Robotic Police
Robot police officer goes
on duty in Dubai. People
will be able to use it to
report crimes, pay fines
and get information by
tapping a touchscreen on
its chest. Data collected by
the robot will also be
shared with the transport
and traffic authorities. The
government said the aim
was for 25% of the force to
be robotic by 2030 but
they would not replace
Discussion on Chat : What according to you can be an Impact of technology on
Government and Governance ( 5 mins)
Governing and Governance
Governing a country is serious business because it entails seeing to the welfare and security of the people living in that country. It is, therefore, a
fact that governance has to be effectively carried out for it to impact positively on the lives of the people. Technology is affecting everything in or
world today and governance is not left out. These enables governments to be more productive, using communication, administrative and other
tools. Some of these are stated below:


The various ministries and agencies of many governments across the world today have their websites where they post information about different
activities and projects that they are carrying out. This enables citizens and other interested parties to access information about them with ease.

Most of these websites are interactive, hence, the citizens can ask questions which will be answered.

Use Of Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are useful in governance today, even, right from the electioneering campaigns, through elections and its results, to reeling
out the activities of each ministry, agencies and arms of governments through the use of Twitter, Facebook, etc. Presidents, Governors,
Commissioners, Ministers, Legislators, etc, are able to relate directly with the electorate through these media. This way, the citizens can be made
aware and monitor development on the go.

Easier Coordination

The process of administering ministries and other organs of government requires a coordinated approach. Through technology, governments now
have access to platforms that enables the personnel to share information between themselves and other ministries and agencies, etc, for better
coordination and decision making. This brings about better coordination of governance.

The list is, by no means, exhaustive as many more avenues of technology impacting positively on governance are opening up by the day.
Impact of Technology on
Impact of Technology on
1. Direct job creation
The ICT sector is, and is expected to remain, one of the largest
employers. In the US alone, computer and information technology jobs
are expected to grow by 22% up to 2020, creating 758,800 new jobs. In
2013, the global tech market will grow by 8%, creating jobs, salaries and
a widening range of services and products.
Impact of Technology on
2. Contribution to GDP growth
Findings from various countries confirm the positive effect of ICT on
growth. For example, a 10% increase in broadband penetration is
associated with a 1.4% increase in GDP growth in emerging markets. The
Internet accounts for 3.4% of overall GDP in some economies. Most of
this effect is driven by e-commerce – people advertising and selling
goods online.
Impact of Technology on
3. Emergence of new services and industries
Numerous public services have become available online and through
mobile phones. The transition to cloud computing is one of the key
trends for modernization. Facebook apps alone created over 182,000
jobs in 2011, and that the aggregate value of the Facebook app economy
exceeds $$12 billion.
Impact of Technology on
4. Business innovation
In OECD countries, more than 95% of businesses have an online
presence. The Internet provides them with new ways of reaching out to
customers and competing for market share. Over the past few years,
social media has established itself as a powerful marketing tool. ICT tools
employed within companies help to streamline business processes and
improve efficiency.

OECD: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

What are the Social, Economical and Ethical challenges of using Technology?
? 5 mins chat
Impact of Technology
Impact of Technology
Impact of Technology
Design your Solution and feedback it to the class through class chat 15 mins

Design your own Solution to address any one challenges of Technology.

Social, Economical or Ethical challenge

Answer to the challenge
Google’s newest gadgets are bringing science fiction to real life. The
tech giant’s lab for advanced projects unveiled some of its hottest new
innovations last Friday, which included finger control technology and a
pair of smart jeans
Self Evaluation
Pick a box from below and let me know…

Today the most One thing I need to

important thing I have remember from today's
learnt is... lesson is...

Next time I do this topic One thing I have found

I will make sure I... hard today is...

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