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Key Terms
⚫ Mixed Methods Research, Defined
⚫ Quantitative Research
⚫ Qualitative Research
⚫ When to use Mixed Methods Research
⚫ Types of Mixed Methods Research
⚫ Key Characteristics
⚫ Steps in Conducting a Mixed Methods
Mixed Methods Research,
⚫ A mixed methods research design is a
procedure for collecting, analyzing, and
“mixing” both quantitative and qualitative
research and methods in a single study to
understand a research problem.

⚫ To utilize this design effectively, you must

both quantitative and qualitative research.
Creswell , J. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research
(4thed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Quantitative Research
⚫ A type of educational research in which the research
decides what to study; asks specific, narrow
questions, collects quantifiable data from
participants ,analyzes these numbers using
statistics; and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased,
objective manner.

⚫ What is the relationship between graduate students’
level of interaction, measured by the number of ‘hits’
in the course, and students’ grades in an online
research methods course?
Qualitative Research
⚫ A type of educational research in which the
researcher relies on the views of participants; asks
broad, general questions; collects data consisting
largely of words from participants; describes and
analyzes these words for themes; and conducts the
inquiry in a subjective, biased manner.
⚫ “What are the factors that influence a graduate
experience in an online research methods
Steps for Conducting a Mixed
Methods Study
Develop quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed Collect quantitative
methods questions and qualitative data
Step 4
Step 5
Identify the data
collection strategy and Priority
type of design Step 3 Sequence Analyze data
Visualization separately or
Step 6

Identify a rationale Determine if a mixed

for a mixed methods methods study is Write the report as a
study Step 2 feasible one- or two-phase
Step 1
study Step 7
When to Use Mixed
Methods Designs
⚫ When both quantitative and qualitative data, together,
provide a better understanding of your research
problem than either type by itself.
⚫ When one type of research (qualitative or
quantitative) is not enough to address the
research problem or answer the research
⚫ To build from one phase of a study to another
⚫ Explore qualitatively then develop an instrument
⚫ Follow-up a quantitative study qualitatively to
obtain more detailed information
Mixed Methods Research
⚫ Utilizes both quantitative and qualitative
data collection methodologies.
⚫ Examples
⚫ Interviews and Questionnaires
⚫ Performance Tests and Observation
⚫ Questionnaires and follow up Focus groups
⚫ Document analysis, Performance Tests,
Questionnaire, and Interviews
Key Characteristics of
Mixed Methods Designs: Rationale
⚫ Rationale
⚫ Test findings of first phase
⚫ Explain results of first phase in more detail
⚫ Provide a more complete understanding than
either quantitative or qualitative alone
⚫ Collecting both quantitative and qualitative data
⚫ Numeric data
⚫ Text data
Key Characteristics of Mixed
Methods Designs: Priority and
⚫ Priority
⚫ Equal weight
⚫ QUAN carries more weight than qual
⚫ QUAL carries more weight than quan
⚫ Sequence
⚫ Collect both quantitative and qualitative data at the
same time
⚫ Collect quantitative data first, followed by qualitative
⚫ Collect qualitative data first, followed by quantitative
The Convergent Parallel
Involves simultaneous collection of both
quantitative and qualitative data which are
then merge to obtain results to understand a

In this design, one data collection form

provides support to offset possible limitations
of the other collected data set.

The researcher gathers both quantitative and

qualitative data, analyzes both datasets
separately, compares results and makes
necessary interpretation.
Factors Affecting Teachers’ Confidence Levels
Towards Oral Communication

Quantitative Data
Collection Data analysis
Confidence levels
towards oral
communication Comparison of Interpretatio
Results n

Quanlitative Data
Data analysis
The strengths of this design
Experiences on factors is that it combines the
that affect confidence advantages of each form of
towards oral data
communication - Creswell, 2012,

Convergent Parallel Design

Strengths: Convergent Design
⚫Lends itself to teams

Challenges: Convergent Design

⚫Requires substantial effort and expertise
⚫Issues related to the samples and sample
⚫Difficult to converge two sets of different
⚫How to resolve discrepant results
The Explanatory
Sequential Design
A mixed methods research design which
involves collection of quantitative and
qualitative data sequently.

This research design is conducted to provide a

more detailed explanation behind the trends
observed form collected quantitative data.

Also known as a two-phase model (Creswell &

Clark, 2011); considere a sone of the most
popular forms of MMR design in educational
Challenges experienced by High school students
during Online Classes

Quantitative Data Quantitative

Data Data Data
analysis Collection analysis
Challenges Personal
experienced experiences/reasons
during online /explanations of
classes selected participants


Explanatory Sequential Design

Strengths: Explanatory Design
⚫ Appealing to quantitative researchers
⚫ Straightforward to implement two phases
⚫ Final report can be written in two phases
⚫ Lends itself to emergent approaches

Challenges: Explanatory Design

⚫ Two phases require lengthy time to implement
⚫ Need to decide what results to follow up
⚫ Must decide criteria for selecting participants
⚫ Need to contact participants for a second round of
data collection
The Exploratory Sequential
Involves collection of data sets sequentially; in
tis design, qualitative data is collected first
followed by collection of quantitative data.

This design is done to explore a phenomenon

through qualitative data collection, which is
then followed by quantitative data collection to
explain relationships the qualitative data
Awareness of High School Students towards
Responsible Citizenship

Level of
awareness of high
school students

Quantitative Data
Data Instrument Quantitative
analysis Making Data Collection

Perspective of
selected participants
towards responsible
Basis n Data
u n d atio analysis

Exploratory Sequential Design

Strengths: Exploratory Design

⚫ Straightforward to design, implement, and

⚫ Quantitative component can make the
qualitative approach more acceptable
to quantitative-biased audiences
⚫ Researcher produces a product, such
as an instrument
⚫ Lends itself to emergent approaches
Challenges: Exploratory Design

⚫ Two phases require lengthy time to

⚫ Difficult to specify quantitative procedures
when applying for initial IRB approval;
may have to apply twice
⚫ Deciding the qualitative findings
to use for quantitative phase
⚫ Procedures for developing a valid
and reliable instrument

Mixed Methods Research Designs is a kind of research that

is characterized by the collection of BOTH Qualitative and
Quantitative data allowing the researcher to have more
detailed and clearer understanding of a particular problem

Convergent Explanatory Exploratory

Parallel Design Design Design
Qualitative and
quantitative are Quantitative data is
Qualitative data is
gathered at the same collected first,
collected first to help
time and analyzed followed by
discover trends and
separately after which qualitative data which
patterns that may be
results are compared provides supporting
used to gather
to make the explanation to the
quantitative data.
necessary initially gathered data

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