Health 9 Unit 2 3rd Quarter

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General Guidelines in

Presented By: Sir Aldrine V. Waje
Watch the video presentation
12 My command is this: Love each other
as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has
no one than this: to lay down one’s life
for one’s friends.
JOHN 15:12-13
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Suggest correct ways to respond to an emergency.

2. Discuss the importance of guidelines and procedure of

first aid.

3. You must keep it so that proper credits for our design

are given.

4 Assess emergency situations by conducting primary

and secondary surveys.
• 1. Are there procedures in first aid that must be done
first? Why? What would happen if it were to be given

• 2. Why is it important to follow guidelines and

procedures when you are performing first aid?
Table of contents
01 02 03
Prayer Devotion Reminder

04 05 06
Attendance Classroom Motivation
“Do not do anything if you
do not know what to do.”
– First Aid’s Golden Rule
There will come a time when one will be
placed in a condition wherein he or she
needs to decide whether he or she will
help another person during an
emergency. It is easy if you are
knowledgeable with the DOs and
DON’Ts of first aid.
⮚ It is a fast method to
find out if someone has
an injury or a life-
threatening condition.
St. John Ambulance, London’s


If someone needs help, check first if it is
safe to approach him or her first. If it is
safe, proceed. If not, prevent yourself from
going to the area.
Check for the victim’s
Check for the victim’s

For a Conscious
Treat the conscious person for the condition
that may be blocking his or her airway (e.g.,
a. Five back blows.
With the heels of the hand, give the patient five back blows
between the person’s shoulder blades

b. Five abdominal thrusts.

This is also known as the Heimlich maneuver. This is applied by
giving five sharp upward thrusts.

c. Alternate between the two until the

blockage is dislodged.
Only move to the next stage,
Breathing, once the airway is open and clear.

For an unconscious
Find out if there is a loss of muscular control in the
throat area that has caused the tongue to slip back and
block the throat. There are two ways to open the airway.
Observe the victim’s
breathing pattern.

For a conscious person For a unconscious person

If the person is not breathing If the person is not
normally, treat him or her from breathing, call the medical
the condition that prevents him
hotline or ask
or her from breathing (e.g.,
obstructed airway). Otherwise, someone to make the call.
proceed to
Circulation stage.
Check first if there are any signs
of severe bleeding.
⮚ is only done once the primary
survey is dealt with and
succeeded from life-
threatening conditions.
The first aider needs to
find out about the
Heart's rhythm abnormality

a. Disability b. Expose & c. Full Set of Vital

Examine Signs
Look for any The first aider may Note any changes in the
deformities or loosen the patient’s following areas: pulse
disabilities, and check clothing to fully assess rate, temperature, eye
the neurological his or her condition. But pupil dilation,
status of the patient make sure to keep the breathing, blood
patient warm while pressure, and skin color.
doing this.
Heart's rhythm abnormality

d. Give comfort e. History and Head-to-

measures toe Assessment
Assure the History – In taking
patient that the history of the
everything will patient, the first
aider may use the
be fine.
Full Set of
Vital Signs
Five ways in checking the vital
sign of a victim
01 Pulse rate
✔ The pulse rate is a measurement of a person’s heart rate.
To get the pulse rate, be guided by these steps.
a. Use only your index and middle finger to locate and get
the pulse rate. Never use your thumb as it has its own
pulse. Press firmly but gently on the arteries.
b. Feel the pulse sensation and begin counting when the
clock’s second hand is on the 12. Count the pulse for 60
seconds to calculate the number of beats per minute.
01 Pulse rate
✔ The pulse rate is a measurement of a person’s
heart rate. To get the pulse rate, be guided by
these steps.
c. When counting, concentrate on the beats and
not on the clock.
d. If unsure, ask another person to do the
procedure again for you.
02 Breathing rate
✔ This is the person’s number of breaths per

When taking the breathing rate, you must

observe if the person has difficulty in breathing.
The normal breathing rate for adults is between
12 and 16 breaths per minute.
03 Blood pressure
✔ This is the force of blood pushing against the artery walls.
It is measured using a blood pressure and a stethoscope.

This is usually taken by a health care provider

such as a nurse or an EMA personnel. High blood
pressure may indicate a risk of coronary heart
disease (heart attack) or stroke (brain attack).
A sphygmomanometer (SFIG-moh-mə-NO-mi-tər), a.k.a. a
BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR, or blood pressure gauge, is a
device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable
cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a
controlled manner,[1] and a mercury or aneroid manometer to
measure the pressure. Manual sphygmomanometers are used with
a stethoscope when using the auscultatory technique.
04 Body temperature
✔ Normal body temperature varies. The normal
body temperature ranges from 36.5°C to 37.5°C.

High body temperature results in

fever; low body temperature results in
05 Skin color
✔ Observe the color and temperature of the skin of
the patient. A bluish color usually indicates a lack
of oxygen.
A flushed color usually indicates fever
or heatstroke. Pale, cold, and damp
skin may suggest shock.
Head & Toe Examination
Head and neck: Observe the presence of the following

Inspect Posterior
Slash, cut, or Surface
01 03

Blood or clear
fluid coming out
from ears or nose
DATE: February 2024
TITLE: General Guidelines in First Aid
1. Procedure in Assessing Medical Situations
2. The Primary Survey
3. The Secondary Survey
You are a volunteer in the Philippine Red Cross.
You are asked by your team leader to create a
video tutorial about the steps in doing the primary
and secondary surveys. This video tutorial will be
used during the first aid training of grade 9
students. Your work will be evaluated by your team
leader based on its content, creativity, and
1. Make a 3 to 5 minutes video tutorial about the steps in doing the primary and
secondary surveys. Beginning with Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing
and Circulation to Disability, Full set of vital Signs, Give comfort
measures, History and head to toe Assessment, Inspect Posterior Surface
including Expose & Examine
2. Submit your video on my G-suite account via email
3. Type on the “Subject ” PETA in Health 9 3rd Monthly – Video Tutorial in
First Aid.
4. Rename your file with your complete name & section
5. Deadline is on FEBRUARY ??, 2024 ONLY.
Prepare for Quiz
Next Meeting
Do you have any questions?

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics &
images by Freepik

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