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Introduction to REST

• What is REST?
• REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
• It's an architectural style, not a protocol or technology.
• Used in designing and implementing web services.
• Based on a Stateless and Client-Server architecture.
• Works with resources, which are represented by Uniform Resource
Identifiers (URIs).
• Operates over HTTP and uses HTTP methods for CRUD (Create,
Read, Update, Delete) operations.
• Characteristics of RESTful Services
• Resource identification through URIs: Each resource is identified by a
unique URI.
• Use of HTTP methods: HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
are used for CRUD operations.
• Representational data transfer: Resources are transferred in
representational formats like JSON or XML.
• Stateless: Server requests do not store client state. Each request
contains all necessary information.
• In this presentation, we learned about the basic concepts of REST. Due
to the flexibility, performance, and accessibility of RESTful services,
they play a significant role in developing modern web applications.
For more information, feel free to refer to additional resources.

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