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Sociological Perspective

in Social Problems

Drs. Ardi Abbas, MT

Sociological Perspective
in Social Problems:

1.Structural Functional
3. Interactionism
Social Problems Aspects:
1. What is the meaning of
social problems
2. How do social problems
3. Factors that cause of
social problems
4. Solving recommendations
• All aspects of social
problems can lead to
different points of view
• Therefore, it cannot be
denied that there are
differences in perspective
between sociologists
Based on, there are different
assumptions and meaning among
sociologist regarding social prob
lems, eventhough the same object
As a result, it gives rise to
several theories, subject matter,
perspectives and paradigms
Social Problems Comparation
(differencies and equalities)
Structural Functional
2.Social Phatologies
3.Social Disorganization
4.Deviand Behaviour
Come from the
developed early
sociologists by:
Ibn Khaldun
27 Mai 1332 – 17 Maret 1406
Auguste Comte
(19 Januari 1798 – 5 September 1857)
Emile Durkheim
(15 April 1858-15 November 1917)

Difoto dari Samping

Herbert Spencer
27 April 1820 – 8 Desember 1902
 So that sociology and
sociologists are recognized
as a new scince by others
 And to difference it from
other sciences that have
develop such as philosophy
and psychology
Sociology and sociologists are developed
a paradigm of social facts with
1) General nature, meaning that they
do not only apply to one or two
people in a community group. Rather,
it applies to all members of
community in the group, eventhough
2) Coercive, can force each
individual to comply with
what applies in society,
whatever it is written law
or not. ie, every man need
to work in order to earn
and make ends meet.
3) External/From Outside, of
individual itself. A member of
society has an external urge
to do something and it is
coercive and binding in
general (as nurse, from the
rules of the profession that
are carried out to serve
 The social fact paradigm
develops into a structural
functional perspective,
especially developed by
experts :
Talcott Parsons
13 Desember 1902 – 8 Mai 1979
Robert K Merton
4 Juli 1910 – 23 Februari 2003
Kingsley Davis
20 Agust 1908 –27 Febr 1996
Perspective Ideas:
 Society is always in a state
of balance (equilibrium)
 This balance can occur
because of the binding
norms, so that societal take
 Societal is a system of
interrelated and mutual
functional, harmonies, in
order set.
 Functional = groups, existing
community institutions,
carrying out certain tasks
that cannot be mixed up
• The changes can upset the
balance, but they wont
last long
• Keywords : balance
(equilibrium), systems and
sub systems, functional
and disfunctional
So……how and where is
the application of a
structural functional
perspective when
analyzing social
The Ideas of
Social Phatology Perspective:
1. The earliest perspective
used to analyze social
2. Way of thinking developed
in the natural sciences
especially biology.
3. The societal = organisme
life circle (social biologists)
that same has changed
4. The change is in line with
the growth of the
qualitative and quantitative
sice of society
5. Biological and social organisms
have their respective functions
and roles
6. The change in one part of the sub
system will be able to result in
changes in other sub system,
which in turn will be able to bring
about changes as a whole.
7. Each sub system will be
interrelated and can be analyzed
So……how and where is
the application of a
social phatology
perspective when
analyzing social
The Application of
Social Phatology Perspective:
1. Social problems will occur if
individuals an or sub system
fail to manage the members
while adjusting to the
change. The result will
destroy the system
2. E. Durkeim: modern
society will be in
equilibrium if certain
functions have been
fulfilled. If not,
phatological development
3. The perspective of social
phatology is similar to
medical treatment, namely
treating social problems
and all the implications
are exactly same as
treating patients with
individual diagnoses.
2. If individual/subsystems fail to
socialize because of their
disabilities and guided by values
(especially morals). The
solutions are in the form of
preventing and handling
individual defect and or sub
systems being herited on the
other individual and or
3. Besides that, isolation is
also carried out (locali
zation, rehabilitation cen
ters, prisons etc) so that
social problems can be
The Ideas of
Social Disorganization Perspective:
1. Similarity with social phatology
perspective, the difference is
that this perspective does not
analyze organisms in a healthty
or sick state, but because they
exist organized vs
disorganized, integrated vs
2. The organized conditions are
harmonious relationship
between sub system because
of the rules are obeyed.
3. Therefore, keywords of
social disorganization is
social rules, which regulates
and controls behavior of
members of the societal.
4. In human organic (social phatology)
societal easier change and weaker
than human organic to handling social
5. Social disorganization similarity to
anomie condition.
6. Social disorganization could be
defined : (i) schismatic, social
relations are split due to conflict, (ii)
functional, if values, norms, social
systems in society are not functioning
The Typies of
Social Disorganization:
1. Normlessness, The
situations are no clear
norms as a references or
guide (anomie condition).
2. Conflict of culture, the
condition are the same several
rules as references or guides
but mutully contradictive.
3. Breakdown, breaking the rules
are considered a common
thing, there is even impression
that following the rules result
in un-effectiveness.
So……how and where is
the application of a
social phatology
perspective when
analyzing social
The Application of
Social Phatology Perspective:
1. Social problems will occur if
individuals an or sub system
fail to manage the members
while adjusting to the
change. The result will
destroy the system
2. E. Durkeim: modern
society will be in
equilibrium if certain
functions have been
fulfilled. If not,
phatological development
3. The perspective of social
phatology is similar to
medical treatment, namely
treating social problems
and all the implications
are exactly same as
treating patients with
individual diagnoses.
2. If individual/subsystems fail to
socialize because of their
disabilities and guided by values
(especially morals). The
solutions are in the form of
preventing and handling
individual defect and or sub
systems being herited on the
other individual and or
The Ideas of
Deviand Behaviour Perspective:
1. Norma terwujud dlm lembaga/pranata
sosial shg kemudian pd
institusi/piranti sosial tsb terdapat
pattern of behavior yang berisikan
status dan peran
2. Norma berupa aturan apa yang boleh,
yang dilarang dan yang diharapkan dan
yang ditentang sbg pedoman
3. Penerapan norma dilakukan
melalui institusionalisasi dan
taraf tertinggi sudah
mendarah daging (inter
4. Pelanggaran thdp norma
bersama itulah yang dianggap
sbg prilaku menyimpang
(deviand behavior) atau kita
singkat sbg PM
5. PM= MS karena memba
hayakan tegaknya norma
sosial, dari prilaku yang
sesuai kaedah.
6. Pranata sosial dianggap
sbg indikator tolak ukur
pelanggaran thdp norma
penyimpangan prilaku tsb.
The Application of
Deviand Behaviuor Perspective:
1. Utk mengukur ada
tidaknya PM dipakai
ukuran statistic, jika
terlalu jauh berbeda dgn
norma yang berlaku.
2. Perbandingan antara
kondisi fungsionalis dgn
3. Berdasarkan pandangan
relative, PM = karena
kegagalan mematuhi
aturan bersama dalam
The Background of
Deviand Behaviuor:
1. Merton mengatakan bhw PM tjd karena
adanya anomie (dari Durkheim), yaitu
impian besar utk sukses. Namun warga
yg tdk dpt mewujudkannya sesuai dgn
norma (kerja cerdas, sedikit tidur,
menjalin jaringan dsb), maka dilakukan
cara yg tdk sesuai norma dan
berpotensi sbg tindak kriminal.
Perwujudannya adalah kecandu
an thdp judi, tdk hanya
dilakukan oleh yg berduit, tapi
juga oleh yg miskin. Kelompok ini
merasa ketidakpastian thdp hari
esok, sementara usaha yg wajar
sesuai norma tdk cepat hasilnya,
shg mendorong langkah yg
2. Sutherland, PM tjd karena
proses belajar dari seseorg
yang banyak melakukan
interaksi dgn pelaku PM,
terutama pada kelompok
primer. Begitu juga seba liknya.
Dgn demikian apakah prilaku
tsb conformity atau deviation
dipengaruhi oleh proses
Pencegahan menurut perspektif ini
adalah dengan melakukan proses
resosialisasi devian, berupa pening
katan interaksi dgn kelompok yg
conformity thdp norma yang
berlaku. Selain itu dimungkinkan
dgn memberi kesempatan yg lebih
terbuka agar mewujudkan tujuan
bersama lebih mudah dilakukan.

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