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GEpository -

Knowledge Sharing Platform

Introduction & Instruction

• GEpository is an interactive knowledge sharing platform that aims to connect your

knowledge with different global events, and to apply these knowledge in evaluating real
world problems.
• To obtain the participation score (3%), you are required to publish ONE post and ONE
comment on GEpository.
Your Tasks
• Find a piece of news / magazine / journal article related to the Text “On the Origin of
Species” or “DNA: The Secret of Life”.
• Create a post explaining the relevance of the article to the text in 100-150 words
(English) or 150-225 words (Chinese), and apply relevant tags to your post.
• Leave comments on other students’ sharing. There is no word requirement for comments
but meaningful contribution is expected.

1. Log onto GEpository

2. Click here to enter the

page for each text.

1. Click ‘GEpository’ on
the left bar.

2. Inner Page of the Texts

You can filter the

posts by selecting
the paragraphs

Click here to sort

the posts by
paragraphs / likes /
comments. Click here to Click here to filter
create a post. the posts by SDG

You may edit your

post here.

3. Create a Post

1. Paste the link of your article here.

2. Click
3. The title and ‘Fetch’.
image of the article
should be generated
automatically. You
may change the
title / image URL if
needed. (See Page 7
if you need help on
image URL.)

4. Type your ideas here. (100-150 words in English or 150-225 words in Chinese)

5. Select ONE
theme tag here.

3. Create a Post

6. Select the
paragraph(s) related
to the article you are
going to share. You
may select up to
FIVE of them.

7. (Optional) Select
relevant SDG tags
here. You may add
up to THREE tags.

8. Make sure you have

clicked ‘Save’ before leaving
6 the dialogue box.
How to get an image URL?

1. Right click the

image you would like
to insert to your post.

2. Select ‘Copy image


4. View / Comment on a Post

Click here to visit the

website of the article.

Click here to like a post.

Type your comments here. Don’t forget to click ‘Post’.

Click here to
reply to other’s

Click here to
8 edit your reply.

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